5 Crucial Life Lessons I Learned From Playing Sports

The field of play is the greatest classroom

Jon Svec
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


Photo by Connor Coyne on Unsplash

It’s more than kicking a ball into a net.

Here are 5 life lessons I learned through sport:

90% of life is just showing up.

You can have great intentions. Great ideas.

But nothing actually happens until you show up to do the work.

Practice. Lifts. Speed sessions.

You need to be there to see the benefits.

Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, start by showing up.

Patience is key. Results take time.

This doesn’t mean you should sit around waiting for something to happen.

Be relentless in the day-to-day.

But it takes years to master a skill.

Don’t waste time looking for shortcuts. Keep moving forward.

Life isn’t fair. Keep working.

You can work harder than everyone else and still lose.

You can have the most talent and still lose.

You can do everything right and still lose.

Focus on the process. Keep getting better. That’s the game.

If you want to play fast, keep things simple.

Simplicity is a skill.

It takes effort and dedication to develop.

But if you can learn to reduce complex concepts into simple chunks, you’ll have a huge advantage both on and off the field.

Winning is more fun with great teammates.

It’s about the people.

Suffering through failures. Sharing successes.

These are made better when you’re surrounded by the right people.

In sports, in relationships, in families.

People first.

Everything else is a distant second.

