5 Daily Habits That All Creative People Should Inculcate

These daily rituals will get your creative juices flowing and will help you do your best work

ankita raghuvanshi
5 min readAug 31, 2022


Feature image for a post on boosting creativity showing an art kit and a notebook
Photo by Tim Arterbury on Unsplash

Some of the most creative minds of all time have one thing in common — they have/had daily habits and rituals to help them do their best work.

Benjamin Franklin liked to be naked in the mornings. Haruki Murakami spends nine hours writing after waking up at 4 am daily. While you don’t need to go to such extremes, cultivating some positive daily habits will help you be more creative and productive.

There’s a lot of advice on this topic from waking up early to building a strict morning routine. I understand that strict routines might not be what your creative mind needs. And such advice can’t be applied across the board.

That’s why I have cut through the noise and handpicked 5 simple habits that won’t take much effort on your part but will help you tremendously. These are the daily habits that have made a positive change in my life and helped me write some of my most inspired content.

So, let’s get started.

1. Reading Daily

This is a no-brainer — reading opens your mind to new ideas and possibilities. A good book can sweep you away from your real life for a moment and let you live in an entirely different world. Well, figuratively, of course.

But how is that useful?

It opens the doors of your imagination and makes you dream. And that’s where all the good ideas come from.

Whether you’re a writer, designer, artist, or any type of creator, you need inspiration and ideas, and reading is the best way to get that. Not just that, reading also improves your vocabulary, writing skills, focus, and knowledge.

I know that you’re thinking that it’s easy to say that but almost impossible to implement. After all, most days you’re so busy you barely have the time to sit and read. Right?


You don’t need one hour and a cozy nook to read if you really want to inculcate a daily habit of reading. You can read on the go, take a short break from work to read an article, or simply read a bedtime story before going to bed.

Set a target of reading 3 pages every day, which takes five minutes and everyone has that much time to spare. Try it and it’ll make all the difference.

2. Taking Cold Showers

This is one of those daily habits that have changed my life. I never knew the power of cold showers until I read an article about someone claiming it to be their secret to success.

I, of course, didn’t believe it. After all, how can cold showers make you a millionaire? The idea was just bonkers and yet I got tempted to give it a try. I’m glad I did.

While taking cold showers daily may not make me a successful writer or entrepreneur, it does help me get an instant boost of energy when I’m feeling low or unproductive.

We all have those moments of low productivity when we don’t feel like doing anything or feeling uninspired.

Just take a cold shower and it will shock your system and you’ll come out energized. Cold showers improve blood circulation throughout the body and make your body and mind feel active and energized.

This is my secret productivity hack and now you know it too. This is one of the daily habits that help improve my productivity and uplift my mood, and I highly recommend it.

3. Going on a Walk

This is my all-time favorite productivity hack and a daily habit that I would recommend all of you to build.

When we go out for a walk, we soak in the sunlight, get lots of visual and sensory inputs, and basically get more active. If you can go out to the park or walk in spaces with lots of greenery, then it’s even better.

Don’t trust me? This research study proves that connecting with nature is directly correlated to increased levels of well-being.

So, how does that help you be more creative?

Simply by refreshing your mind and letting the thoughts flow in. Some of the most successful people get their best ideas while walking. Walking in a serene environment can keep the noise away and help you focus on important issues and ideas.

4. Writing in a Journal

Before you completely reject this advice and move on, wait. I have something really great to offer.

I understand that not everyone is a journal person and you don’t see yourself writing “dear diary” in a journal. I get it. I’m not a journal person either.

But what I want you to do is keep a bedside journal to write down all those ideas that you get when you’re about to sleep and forget by morning. Better yet, keep a pocket journal to capture your thoughts and ideas on the go.

As a creative person, you would have faced a situation where an idea strikes at the most inopportune moment and you end up forgetting it by the time you find the time to write it down. Carrying a small journal and pen with you ensures that you never forget any brilliant idea.

To make it a daily habit, simply write a few ideas or thoughts every day. You can make it a part of your morning routine or evening routine or choose a specific time that suits you.

Follow the basic rule of habit stacking and combine it with something that you already do daily. For example, you can list down a few ideas for your next creative project while having your morning coffee.

When you look at that journal after a week or a month, you’ll find lots of hidden gems that you probably would have forgotten about if you hadn’t written them down. Try it. You’ll thank me later.

5. Having a Self-Care Routine

As a writer, I often feel drained after a hectic day at work or even after finishing a project that I am passionate about. When you pour all your energy into your art or work or anything that matters to you, it leaves you drained.

That’s why it’s extremely important for creative people to build a daily self-care routine. This doesn’t mean that you need to pamper yourself with baked goods or have a spa day every day. It could just include small and simple things that bring you joy.

Here are a few things you can include in your daily self-care routine:

  • Taking a bubble bath
  • Having some sort of face care routine before going to bed
  • Reading a good book with a cup of hot chocolate
  • Calling one friend or family member every day
  • Indulging in a siesta (fancy word for an afternoon nap)
  • Listening to a podcast of your choice
  • Watching a heartwarming movie or TV show

You get the gist, right? Do at least one activity daily that allows you to take care of your body, mind, or spirit.

Ready to Create Your Next Masterpiece?

Creators need more motivation, inspiration, and energy boosts than anyone else. That’s why you need to form daily habits that set you up for success and enable you to do your best work.

Build these daily habits for creative people and give yourself a much-needed boost in energy and productivity. All the best!

