5 digital marketing tools for small businesses

These Digital Marketing Tools Will Help Your Business to Grow More.

Arsalan Haroon
5 min readDec 17, 2020


5 digital marketing tools for small businesses
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

In 2020 we have lots of digital marketing tools, but in this article, we focus on those which are more useful for you and we don’t talk about those tools that already people know about here such as Google Analytics.

These digital marketing tools will help you automate your work and focus on more valuable stuff and some tools that will help you rank on Google. So let’s understand some of the digital marketing tools for you to bring more value to your business or for your clients.

But keep this in mind, this will help you only if you have the mind to know how to use them for your benefit. These tools will help you but you need to put your time into understanding these digital marketing tools for your use.

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Digital Marketing Tools #1: Buffer

Buffer is an excellent tool if you don’t have time to manage all of your accounts and post everyday. If you are a person who needs to focus on other essential things in business this tool is for you. It will handle all of your social media accounts. They have over 73,000 customers.

Post daily on all your social media accounts can be very hard especially if you have other things to do such as essential meetings etc. Buffer gives you this ability to automate your work and you focus on your important meeting and save time to learn new things.

This tool saves your time so you don’t need to worry about posting daily on your social media networks. This will also give you the graph chart about how your social media performance grows in a month.

Digital Marketing Tools #2:Similar web

Similar web will give you all the data about your website such as the country rank of your site and global rank. Also, it identifies who has given you a backlink.

Your traffic source such as organic referrals and the data about your advertising networks. Yes, this all-in-one tool is excellent. This will also give you data about how much traffic you gain in which country.

This data helps you gain more traffic to your site. For example, you type in your URL and you see that you have gained more traffic in the UK or you have not much traffic in the US.

So you have a better idea about what country has not much traffic on your site, so you advertise for that specific country.

There are lots of exciting features as well in this tool you need to use. If you want to check all the data about your competitor, so you understand which country has the most traffic they are getting and all the data about their website. Similar web will give you this information so you work best and always beat your competitor.

Digital Marketing Tools #3: Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a great tool to check your website performance. Ahrefs have their keyword research tool that will give you exact data about what people are searching for. There are lots of features in this tool that I can’t describe in one article.

Ahrefs give you specific knowledge about how much traffic you are getting from which source such as organic search referrals and social. Ahrefs gives you data about how many backlinks you have gained and lost from which site.

You also uncover the content gap between you and your competitor. This digital marketing tool (Ahrefs)is used by most of the successful marketers.

Digital Marketing Tools #4: Answer the public

Answer the Public is great for content creators and content marketers. In this tool let’s say you type digital marketing tools they will give you all questions and phrases that people type in google.

First, you get lots of questions and phrases so you create content about these, and secondly, this data is collected from Google and about which questions and phrases people are searching for.

So if you find some questions and check Google for what people create content about, then you have a better chance to rank on that topic.

Digital Marketing Tools #5: SEM rush

SEM rush is similar to Ahrefs. SEM rush also gives keyword research tools and the best thing is if you type in one keyword they can group similar keywords in one group.

This will ease your work so you don’t need to find lots of keywords again and again by typing in manually. Competitor analysis Tool will give you all data about your competitor for example, how much traffic he gets every month how many keywords they are ranking for.

SEM rush also has a tool that tracks your ranking on search engines. They have lots of tools such as link building, On-page, social media management which help you boost your online business site to the next level.


  • Buffer is a social media management tool that manages all of your social media posts. It is especially for those people who don’t have time to daily post on all their social media networks.
  • Similar web is for analyzing your site or your competitor site. They give data about how much traffic you are getting from which country you are getting the most traffic and many more.
  • Ahrefs is best for keyword research, analyzing your and your competitor site, and many more.
  • Answer The Public is for content marketer who doesn’t know about what topic they need to create content they give you all the data on what question people are asking in google so you create content about.
  • SEM rush tool is for keyword research, analyzing sites, competitor analysis, check Ranking, Link Building, and many more.

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