How I Boosted My Medium Audience by <50% With These 5 Powerful Tricks

My cheat sheet for 2X audience boost

RINI ✍️✨✨
4 min read2 days ago


Photo by Stephen Phillips — on Unsplash

Being on Medium can be a humbling experience. I started off on Medium pretty cocky, encouraged by my long career in writing. But the stats performance (or the lack thereof) hit me where it hurts. I had to learn it the hard way.

A realization hit me like a bus; it’s not enough to be a good writer. There are many of them. You need to learn how to present your piece, format it and then market it effectively to get readers’ attention. So, I am going to give you 5 bloody amazing tricks (related to writing tips, formatting hacks and engagement strategies) that will seriously boost your Medium game.

1. Headline Headline Headline

Headlines made of action verbs that invoke a sense of urgency help hook readers.

The first impression matters a lot, and the headline is just the beginning. Here’s how to come up with a headline that leads to “click me”:

Action Verbs: Do not just tell people what you will be writing about; let them know what they stand to gain, too! Include words like “explore,” “boost,” “master” or “discover.”

Urgency: Alert readers that something big is happening here and create a sense of urgency.

Limited-Time Guide: The 7 Secrets Successful YouTubers Won’t Tell You.’

P.S. You can check out your headline quality using headline analyzing tools. My favorite is MonsterInsights. In addition to scores, you also get suggestions on how you can improve your headlines, along with examples of words you can incorporate in your title.

2. Stats and Numbers Speak Volumes

Make a big impact with numbers and statistics, and also give simple step-by-step solutions.

Numbers instantly grab attention and add credibility. Here’s how to do it professionally:

Big Impact: Do you want to demonstrate how life-changing your advice can be? Use numbers!

‘72% of Businesses Increased Sales Using This One Strategy’

Simple Steps: People love simple solutions. Indicate simplicity by a number.

‘5 Steps (Yes, Really Just 5!) to Master Public Speaking’

3. Emotional Rollercoaster (The Good Kind)

Readers appreciate personal stories about your growth, thought-provoking questions and humor.

People relate to personal storytelling. Here’s how to engage their emotions and keep them glued to the screen:

Personal Touch: Share a relatable anecdote about struggles or successes you have had personally. This builds trust and creates a bond.

Question Time: Make them think by asking a thought-provoking question. It arouses curiosity and maintains their attention.

“Did you know that most millionaires regret this one thing?”

Make Them Laugh: Use some humor. You can use a funny story or make an intelligent observation; it keeps their spirits high and gets them to continue reading.

4. Curiosity Hooks Your Audience

Make them curious by divulging just a little, and add a touch of ‘what if?’

A little bit of mystery is an effective tool. You know how they say, you shouldn’t give your whole life story on the first date? Yes, it’s something like that. Keep something for later.

Hint, Don’ Reveal: Do not reveal everything in the title. Let them want more by teasing an intriguing question or surprising fact.

The Power of "What If?": Show how much they could let their imagination fly using hypothetical situations like, “What if you could travel the world for free?”

5. FOMO is Your Friend

Limited time and scarcity in your stories can go a long way

Just a little fear of missing out may be what you need to get moving:

Limited-Time Offers: This point expands on the FOMO point. Are there any exclusive bonus contents that are only available for a short time? Flaunt it!

Scarcity Sells: Emphasize your limited content availability.

‘The First 100 Readers Get a Free Download!’

Bonus Tip!!

Visuals are sexy! Words aren’t enough; add eye-catching images and infographics, and learn to format your content in a way that becomes easy to read.

H1, H2, subtitles and pointers are damn important. You need to make your piece skimmable so readers can understand the gist and the main points of your story.

And Lastly

Write like you’re drunk, but edit like you’re sober.

But remember, these are just tools – the key ingredient is your unique voice and valuable content. Use these hacks effectively, and they’ll help you catch the right attention, build trust with readers, and convert them into clients who return repeatedly.

Clap (do you know it’s 50 times per story?) and follow/subscribe if you liked what I wrote. I really enjoy observing, researching, and sharing my writing secrets with you. Your support means a lot!



RINI ✍️✨✨

I'm here to add something beautiful to your life, tell you things I experienced and learnt from, and hope YOU do as well.💜🩷💜 Also, aren't writers the best??