5 Essential Tools For Your Spiritual Journey

How to smoothly navigate your path

Fadoua Amirach
3 min readAug 28, 2023


Image by Freepik

I have been interested in spirituality for a while now. Many times, I found myself jumping from one book to another, from a YouTube channel to another, without seeing any improvement in my life.

I figured later that while it’s important to explore the knowledge that others have to offer, it is also essential to stop, reflect, know yourself, and allow your inner wisdom to shine through.

I want to share some tools and insights that have helped me in my journey hoping that it will be a reminder to everyone to stop looking for wisdom outside of themselves.

1. Intuition

Intuition is the compass in this journey. There will be many times when you will need to make decisions that might not make sense to your logical mind.

Trusting your intuition is the key to getting over your fears and navigating the waves of uncertainty.

Some people will say that they haven’t developed their intuition yet, and therefore they cannot trust it. Well, I hate to break it to you but you can’t start developing your intuition unless you trust it.

Intuition is like a sword; you should be confident when using it. And the more you use it, the more it becomes sharper and more precise.

2. Passion

A spiritual journey is all about finding your purpose and pursuing it. Your purpose is the thing you came on the earth to accomplish. Most of the time, it has something to do with your passion in life.

If you haven’t found it yet, don’t worry. It will reveal itself at divine timing.

Be open. Ask yourself the question. This simple act of questioning will open the space within you to receive the answer.

However, don’t rush. don’t be impatient. Calm down.

If you’ve already found your purpose, or it’s starting to reveal itself to you little by little, then congrats. You’re doing it right.

I would love to hear from you about what you think your purpose in life is. Let’s share our thoughts and inspire each other.

3. Compassion

Being on a spiritual journey requires you to be ready to serve others. In your own way of course.

A lot of popular ideas around self-development focus solely on the concept of self. While it’s important to focus on your growth and well-being, you shouldn’t let that develop into egocentrism and indifference toward others.

Keep in mind that we’re all here to make the world a slightly better place while also growing and expanding each at their own pace.

“The nature of humanity, its essence, is to feel another’s pain as one’s own, and to act to take that pain away. There is nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness.” — John Connolly

4. Self-reflection

Self-reflection is that moment when pause and think: What am I doing right now? What are my goals? What can I do that will bring me closer to my goals? What has worked for me in the past and what hasn’t? Who are the people who can help me become the person I want to be?

You can ask as many questions as you want. The only rule is to be honest with yourself.

It’s important to always pause and evaluate your life. You can’t just keep moving without having a direction and expect to reach your destination.

5. Patience

A spiritual journey is a life-long journey that requires a lot of patience.

I understand people who feel impatient at times because I do feel like that as well. Meditation is helping me A LOT in dealing with this issue.

It may feel tricky sometimes but you should know that each stage of this journey will reveal itself at the right time. Don’t rush.

Patience will allow us to cultivate inner peace, which is an essential tool to achieve spiritual growth.


“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist



Fadoua Amirach

Writer, architecture student, art lover, adventurer 𓇼 Contact: fadouaamirach@gmail.com