5 Gut-Wrenching Realizations From Getting Beat Up

I took the pain so you don’t have to.

Joseph Seifert


Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

This wasn’t some cafeteria sucker punch from high school.


What I went through was the focused, methodical degradation of my pride. It sure had me wishing I was back in high school, I’ll tell you that.

On the drive there I had zero sense of what I was in for. I had no time to prepare until all of a sudden…

I got beat up.


I signed up for it, but still.

I was simply not ready for the caliber of competition.

My partner was a wrestling coach and amateur fighter. Everybody else was just a giant ball of muscle.

I, on the other hand, five-foot-nine and 150 pounds, showed up for my first ever no-gi session at noon on a Tuesday.

My friend was supposed to be with me but he ended up as a no-show.

Looks like I’d have to face to room alone. While somehow managing to get out alive.

Gut-Wrenching Realization #1

You are nothing



Joseph Seifert

Writer | Creator | Freelancer | Solopreneur Documenting the growth of my internet skillset. josephseifert.me