5 Important Questions for Personal Growth

#4 is the most important tip.

Luay Rahil


Woman Coding on Computer
Photo by ThisIsEngineering

One of the biggest misconceptions in life is that being busy automatically equates to being productive and achieving results.

However, the issue with this perspective is that many hard-working individuals fail to track their progress or measure their outcomes. While it's easy to measure busyness by simply stating, "I'm busy," measuring productivity is more challenging because it requires demonstrating progress and results.

Over the last decade, "busy" has become a badge of honor and a default response to almost any question. It's often used as an ego boost disguised as a complaint. Recently, I challenged a friend who always claims to be busy, suggesting that she was just tired instead. After a few moments of silence, she agreed with me and admitted, "I'm ambitious; I have to keep going; I have to do this."

Although she had been conditioned to work hard, she realized she wasn't actually busy after answering a few more questions I posed. Instead, she was tired because she was focusing on the wrong priorities.

If you want to create work worth sharing, here are a few questions you should ask yourself.

1. Do you lack clarity?



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.