5 Indisputable Laws of Content Profit

The Ones You Shouldn’t Ignore

Jeff the Content Profit Coach


Photo by tony hernandez on Unsplash

When it comes to the content game, most people think it’s all about flooding the internet with as many words, images, and videos as possible.

“More is better,” they say.

Well, folks, it’s time to bust that myth wide open. If you want your content to not just survive but thrive — to not just attract eyeballs but dollar bills — you need to abide by these five sacred laws.

Ignore them at your own peril.

1) Keep It Simple

Ah, simplicity — easy to understand but surprisingly hard to implement. It’s like assembling IKEA furniture; it looks straightforward until you’re drowning in Allen wrenches and screws.

Simplicity in content doesn’t mean you dumb things down; it means you make it accessible. Forget jargon and complex sentence structures. Use plain language that your audience will understand instantly.

Why it’s profitable: Consumers don’t want to decode what you’re trying to say. They have enough puzzles in their life, thank you very much. The clearer your message, the quicker they’ll hit that ‘buy now’ or ‘subscribe’ button.

Action step: Next time you write an article or make a video, pretend you’re explaining it to your…



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

Create online content & covert it into profitable digital products with my exclusive Content Profit System => https://JeffHerring.com No Experience Necessary