5 Interesting Facts about the Universe

The Universe is a mind-boggling place. Here are 5 of the most astounding discoveries about the place we live in.

Muhammad Raza Khan


The Hubble Ultra Deep Field (Image Credit: NASA)

1. The Universe is Expanding:

In the 1920s, American astronomer Edwin Hubble made an extraordinary discovery that changed the way we used to think about the universe. We used to think that our galaxy is the whole universe and there is nothing more to it but Hubble discovered that there are many other galaxies like our own. It is now estimated that there are roughly 2 trillion galaxies in the Universe.

Hubble observed that each of these galaxies is moving away from the other. This conclusion was based on Doppler Effect. According to Doppler Effect, when the source of light is moving away from us, it will be red-shifted, while if the source of light is moving towards us, it will be blue-shifted. This was an astonishing discovery. Hubble saw that every galaxy is redshifted, which means that they are moving away from us.

This discovery was important because prior to this discovery, people believed in a static universe. Another important aspect of this discovery was scientists started to think if the universe is expanding, then if we rewind the clock, everything would start to get closer and closer and…



Muhammad Raza Khan

Astronomy enthusiast, programmer, and tech-nerd. To support my writings become a medium member https://muhammadrazaa.medium.com/membership