5 Interesting Theories About What Lies Beyond Our Universe

One of the most mysterious questions we still have no ‘right’ answer for

Kevin Buddaeus


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In a past article, I talked about human death as one of the topics that still bothers me, as we have no one right answer for what happens to us when we truly die.

But an even more mind-boggling question that keeps me wondering to this day has a far greater scale. What lies beyond the boundaries of our observable universe? I’ve found 5 equally plausible and yet not provable theories regarding the great beyond.

What is the observable universe?

First, let’s talk about what the observable universe actually is. Then we can speculate about the beyond.

Artist’s logarithmic scale conception of the observable universe by Unmismoobjetivo under CC BY-SA 3.0

The observable universe includes all the space we can observe and measure based on the light that reaches us. Our universe is…



Kevin Buddaeus

Follow me on this long journey to grow and learn together. We can make the world a better place. Connect with me via Twitter: @KBuddaeus