5 LESSONS Men Learn Too Late In LIFE (Might Hurt Your Feelings)

Inderveer Singh
Published in
4 min readNov 22, 2022

Wake up to reality, there are things men don’t realize until it’s too late and all they’re left with is Regret.

Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude

Let us discuss five things other men regret so you don’t have to make these mistakes make sure you stick around until the end because the last one might just be the most important number one

Wasting your prime years

Wasting your Prime is the biggest mistake a man can make. We all Peak and have our prime years, the years where it feels like the mental matches the physical it can feel like the world lays at your fingertips.

Photo by mob alizadeh on Unsplash

During these years believe it or not most men never truly get to experience these prime years aim to become a beast physically and mentally during your younger years.

So you can face challenges and look back proudly later in life you have incredible potential do not waste it.

Letting opportunities slip

By it’s common sense to make the most of your opportunities and advantages or you. Think it would be most people let opportunities slip by every single day you need to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you.

We live in the absolute best time to become successful the world is ripe with so much opportunity.

Photo by Joshua Rondeau on Unsplash

It’s almost unbelievable with the internet you can start an online business and work from wherever you want if you’re willing to grind and just never give up you can earn your freedom take advantage of all your opportunities in life to get ahead of other people.

Not understanding female

Nature no matter if you are younger old, every man should know that the wrong relationship can take away a big chunk of his life. And his purpose as a man you should be very picky when choosing to commit to a relationship.

Most guys are not careful when choosing a girl and only judge the Girl by her looks this often leads to a bad relationship. Many men have suffered from a bad marriage and some even say it ruined their life.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I always advise young men to work on themselves and learn about female nature. First before even thinking about committing to a girl your purpose should always come first and your girl has to support it.

I cannot emphasize it enough learn about female nature otherwise you will only get hurt and waste your time.

Not enjoying life as said

Before you shouldn’t waste your prime nor should you let opportunities that by, however you also have to take moments to enjoy life.

This could be as simple as walking outside and breathing fresh air or taking a moment to appreciate all the good things you have in your life social media often gives a false image of life.

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Everyone is always happy and more successful on Instagram everyone seems to be doing better than you and to have a better life this is a false reality.

If you compare yourself to others who only show the best things on Instagram you will feel miserable sometimes you have to shut down your social media and be in the moment be grateful for what you have and simply enjoy life.

You could have been born without eyesight or without the ability to speak you also could have not been born at all

Not forgiving people the most painful

Thing is in a cut or a broken nose the most painful thing is seeing the person you made the best memories with turn into a memory read that again

the most painful thing is seeing the person you made the best memories with turn into a memory

Can you imagine the pain and regret of holding a grudge against someone only to realize it wasn’t a big deal when they pass away it takes a strong person to say I’m sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.

Photo by Christopher Stites on Unsplash

We all have different backgrounds and we all make mistakes that is what makes us human learn how to own up to your mistakes and how to forgive others for their mistakes forgive more.

Free yourself from The Grudges and enjoy happiness instead of wasting it by the way if you want to level up in life.

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Inderveer Singh

I love to share my knowledge that i have gained over the years so, I am here. Just wanna help out some of you 😊.