5 Life Lessons From A 31-Year-Old Nobody That Might Change Your Life

Some harsh truths about life.

Biliz Maharjan


Photo by Alex Sheldon on Unsplash

I spent my 20s doing carefree things. I had no money problems (because my parents covered it). I followed my passion for rock music and switched jobs because I got bored quickly and couldn’t remain consistent.

It was only in my late 20s I realized things weren’t right. Although I am grateful for everything I did in the past without any regrets, it was time to get serious about life. But I thought it was too late now.

After turning thirty, everything came to me like an unstoppable tsunami. I had to figure out my passion (the real one), take responsibility, make money, and settle down (in other words, get married because my parents thought it was the right time).

I became more serious about life. My close friends went away from me, chasing their dreams. Some went abroad, and others got married. I felt alone. I had to fight my own battles. The only people who were with me were my girlfriend and two of my friends.

I’m thirty-one now. In the past three years, I have learned crucial life lessons that have helped me overcome tough times.

Why would you want to know about some random 31-year-old’s life lessons? How wise could he be?



Biliz Maharjan

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—store.bilizmaharjan.com