5 Logical Rules That Will Improve Your Reasoning Skills Instantly

How to improve your reasoning

Ryan Rudolph


Photo by an_vision on Unsplash

I’m going to share five logic rules I have learned over the years that have drastically improved my reasoning skills, and I’m hoping it will do the same for you.

1. The law of Identity

A thing must always appear as that thing, by definition, as long as it remains in that form. For example, an apple will always appear like an apple, and not an orange.

And an apple can change its form, at which time it will no longer be known as an apple.

2. The Rule of Interdependence

A thing is dependent on other things for its existence, and a thing cannot pop into existence magically without its interaction with other things.

3. The Rule of Causality

When a thing comes into existence, it has been caused into existence, meaning there was an interaction of other things over time as a logical process, which creates the new thing. For example, an apple tree grows from a seed, and an apple fruit grows from an apple tree.

4. The Rule of Arbitrary Boundaries



Ryan Rudolph

I enjoy writing about philosophy, psychology, relationships, humor and erotica. I will write on anything that elevates the human experience.