5 Main Ingredients of Success

Naouress Akrouti⭐
Published in
5 min readJan 25, 2024


To become successful, you need to have the right skills.

Becoming successful is everyone’s goal. We are all trying to get closer to our goals every day. We have goals, we love success. Success is related to different areas of life: relationships, education, work, money, and other achievements. To achieve something positive is the ultimate desire of every person.

Through reading and my personal experience, I found out that success and achievements are not for everyone. Maybe, that is why not everyone is successful. The most successful people are different from the less successful. And, there is a reason why the successful are successful and the not successful are not.

To pave the way for your own success, you need to learn the following skills. If you already know these skills, this is a reminder to start practicing them more regularly:


You might think that alignment is not a skill. I consider spiritual alignment as the number one skill to achieve success. If you are not aligned, you might feel distracted and confused, with no clear vision. In order to have a clear vision, and start seeing your dreams coming true, you need to start aligning yourself spiritually.

Spiritual alignment is simply an alignment with God, with your divine self, hence your…



Naouress Akrouti⭐

🌻💛Love life🏖️summer🍉 📝Linguist ✨ content writer ✨copywriter