5 OUTDATED Writing Tips That You Need To Stop Now

Please stop! Don’t Smell The Other Writers’ Butts

Wesley Scott


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Start With Act 2

We aren’t writing an English essay here. There is no need to have an introductory paragraph explaining to the reader what they can expect to find in the article.

Before clicking on the post, the readers have read the headline, they know what to expect. Now they want to hear those juicy tips that you have promised them.

So…give it to them.

Remember, we have less than 5 seconds to convince the reader to stay. Don’t waste those precious seconds on an intro.

Take the website BuzzFeed as an example.

They do a great job at getting people to click on articles and then convincing them to continue reading.

You will notice that the majority of their posts, do not have an introduction and they do not have a conclusion.

They get right to the meat.

Another example, YouTube. Back in the day, a lot of YouTubers had a cool-looking introduction with all kinds of animations.

Not anymore…

Most successful YouTubers start the video right in the middle of the action.



Wesley Scott

A writing coach that has helped writers create content that encourages binge-reading!