5 Reasons I Don’t Write Listicles

Challenging myself to write outside my comfort zone

Galit Birk, PhD


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I don’t like lists. They don’t motivate me. They don’t inspire me. They don’t move me emotionally nor into action. Lists are boring to me.

I am spontaneous. I am a dreamer and an adventurer. I see creativity as limitless; capped only by our fears and perceived limitations.

I see a world where anything is possible, far beyond any list. I want to break through the list to where words come together in any form they like, invoking feeling as they dance around the page.

I want to challenge myself to write the esteemed listicle without losing touch of my spirit; the living breathing energy that brings my words forth into being.

Here are some reasons I don’t like to write listicles and some ideas on how to do so without losing our creative spirit.

1. Creativity: lists constrict creativity

Lists make me anxious for I feel as if there is something explicit I am meant to acquire from them, and there is little choice, nor agency, in the experience.

Lists feed me what they want me to absorb and I am meant to oblige. But what if I don’t want to? What if I want to put a creative spin on words read, to interpret…



Galit Birk, PhD

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.