5 Reasons Why You Should Take The Leap

Sah Kilic
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2020


Photo by Valdemaras D. on Unsplash

I’m positive you’ve heard many different takes on “the leap of faith.”

You might have met a guru preaching the “The Dark Knight Rises” route to leaping.

The one where you can’t have any fallback. The one that says, if you’ve got a safety net, you will never succeed — there’s a famous saying for it too.

Burn the boats!

Captain Hernán Cortés landed ashore to begin his conquest and ordered his men to burn the ships. The only option after that had to be success, because literal death was a fantastic motivator — and so they conquered.

The modern equivalent might be quitting your job to start a business with no savings or a plan, but now your only option is to succeed — and man, if you don’t, there are massive consequences.

Another route for “the leap of faith” is more calculated.

Richard Branson is an advocate and master of this one. Hell, the first plane he ever bought, he got with the contingency that he was able to return it if the business didn’t work out.

He took a leap of faith; he started an airline when the competition had a monopoly, and yet it wasn’t all in — it was a calculated move.

Capping the risks and then going for it, not bad. Not bad at all.



Sah Kilic

I talk so much I figured I should write some of it down. Join me here: http://sah.substack.com 💪