5 Reasons Why Your Personal Objects Are So Important

My Light Blue Pencil Case

Lucia Landini


a desk, a pencil casa and a paper holder
Photo by Sarah Wayte on Unsplash

Yesterday, while organizing the old school books in my room, I found my old pencil case. It’s something I always take with me if I have to write and study. I don’t remember when I got it, since it’s been with me forever.

I immediately thought of a nice meeting I had some time ago at a library. I was working on a paper, and I was approached by a man who told me: “Lucia, is it you? I recognized you because of your pencil case. God, you still have it, how old is it?” We were in the same class in high school, and it was great to meet him again.

I loved that moment and I realized that objects sometimes tell our story.

In fact, that case reminds me of a special time of my life, and of the value, I still give to teamwork (there are sentences about it written on the case, I know them by heart). It reminds me of the pleasure of studying and of my family. It shows how much I like it's color: a light blue.

It reminds me of people, habits, and emotions. The anxiety I felt at school before a test. The noise that the metal case made in my school bag, and it was like a warm company.

What is the importance of the objects we like, and we keep with us for a long time? Here are 5 good reasons to look at…



Lucia Landini

I write about personal growth and relationships. I love reading and sharing happiness.