5 Reasons You Are Not Seeing Progress at the Gym

And how to fix that

Yana Hempler


Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

Many people buy a gym membership with the hope that they will get in the best shape of their lives. Unfortunately, many people will give up on their fitness within the first month of starting because they are not seeing any progress. The good news is that once you know why you are not seeing progress at the gym, you will be able to make adjustments so that you can reach your fitness goals.

1. You have an unclear goal. If your goal is to simply “get in shape”, then you are setting yourself up for failure and frustration. The reason being is that such a goal is very vague. When a goal is vague, it’s very hard to measure your progress. How are you supposed to know if you are making progress when you are not clear about where you’re going?

For example, if your goal was to lose 12 lbs. of body fat over the next 3 months then that would be a much clearer goal than “to get in shape”. This is because it’s SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely). You can see your progress and a fat loss of 1 lb per week is realistic and attainable.

2. Your goal is too aggressive. If you say that you want to lose 10 lbs a week over the next month, then you’re either going to burn yourself out and regain all the weight you lost or you are going to quit because…



Yana Hempler

Health, wellness, & personal development writer passionate for community connection.I cover topics related to fitness & business. Nationally Published