5 reasons, your life sucks

And it is kind of your fault.

6 min readFeb 26, 2024


Is this your face when you think of life? (Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash)

Do you think your life sucks? Do you also go around your day freshly drained of energy, irritated by the components of the real world, wondering why nothing can ever go your way?

Well, you are not alone to feel like this. We all possess a certain amount of distaste towards our lives and now-and- then we wonder why the hell it sucks so bad. Nothing significantly bad happens and yet it feels like our cart of life is rolling downhills at a significantly steady pace.

Well, as an observer of many such sucky lives and as a fellow owner of a sucky life myself, I have observed 5 very common mistakes that we do, to cook our lives into a significantly distasteful porridge.

Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

1. Daily dose of online warfare

What do you do when you wake up? take your phone and check your Instagram or Facebook and someone has written something really insensitive. It appalls you; how could they!? You snap back at the annoying person in the comments and wait for their reply. It comes, after minutes or hours, and makes you grit your teeth. You look up facts on Google, check some stats and snap back a debate winning argument, only for him to answer with something even more insensitive and stupid as if he has made it his life goal to spread hatred about this certain community and cause mass destruction and it is up to good folks like you to fight back, bring glory to your kingdom and… hold on.

Hold on, beloved keyboard warrior. There are no enemies, no battles to fight. You have not brought justice to any damsel community. All you have done is exhausted yourself without even realizing it. You have lost and won imaginary battles with people who are simply clusters of pixels, at the cost your mental health.

To live a life that does not suck, don’t waste your strength fighting meaningless battles.

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

2. Comparison on Social Media

Social media is full of people with perfect looks and the perfect lives. Whatever your definition of a perfect life is, it seems someone has already lived it, posted it. All the models and all the gym bros, going through pictures of people with Greek God bodies; someone rich is living your dreams, a cruel mockery of your life.

Makes it hard to look at that mirror, right?

After all, everyone seems to be living their life while you are simply going through it.

No need to pull out stats to state how social media has messed up our lives and own self-image. While there are people who have changed for the better due to the same social media comparison, there are even more people who have severely damaged their mental health thanks to it.

It is a known fact but a lot of us seem to forget it at times: people do not post their lives on social media, they post glimpses of it, glimpses that are often fabricated to look a certain way and trigger certain emotions. Like I said in the beginning, everybody thinks their life sucks and no life can truly be perfect. It is no use to lose your self-worth and your health to chase a mirage.

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

3. You are lonely

You are lonely, no use denying it. Loneliness can exist in so many forms: sadness, frustration, longing, anger. Maybe you do not have any friends, never had any to begin with or perhaps it has been years since you talked to them and now you wonder if they will recognize you if you call. Maybe you have friends and you are pulling always, after all nobody can understand your feelings. Nobody can help you.

And that is true. Nobody can understand how you exactly feel because they are your emotions, solely yours to comprehend. But people who care about you, would care enough to be there for you.

What I believe is that there are enough lonely souls out there in this world to take care of each other’s loneliness. And no, hunting them down on social media is not enough. Go out, seek them in your own community, reach out to family and old friends and when it becomes too heavy to bear, there’s no shame is seeking help.

this is you with no hobbies (Photo by Tim De Pauw on Unsplash)

4. Where are your hobbies?

The act of loving makes life a lot more bearable, enjoyable even.

There are two cases that may occur: (1) you have nothing you significantly care about, (2) you have stopped caring about things you used to in the past.

If you are case 1, I am sorry to inform you, but you have been living a very shallow life, no wonder it sucks. I bet you can relate to this hippo often.

Just waiting around for love to befall upon you is useless when you never learn how to do the loving. So, start with finding things you love, find hobbies, take in a pet, take care of a plant, and start caring about things other than yourself.

If you are case 2 then it is not necessary, that you are going through depression. Sometimes life takes certain turns and drives us off from things that we used to find joy in. The world may blame it on life or adulthood, but you should try going back to them once in a while, to the exact books or films you once used to enjoy. Take a break.

Photo by Mitchell Griest on Unsplash

5. It sucks because you think it does

The human mind is very powerful, it can easily gaslight itself. Why am I discussing this? Because keeping aside mental illness, your life sucks simply because you believe it. You hate your life because it is bad and you believe your life is bad because you hate it, see the paradox?

Believe it or not, you are a lot more privileged. I know it sounds insensitive of me to say this without knowing your life but if you can afford to own a smartphone and read this long article right now, you are already better than millions and billions of people who cannot even afford a smartphone or decent internet. Hell, there are people who cannot afford meals for two times a day, children born in misery and starvation and you know of all of them, you have seen them from behind that screen.

In the end, the only way you can make your life better is by being grateful for it, and sitting under those covers, and watching misery on the news will not do it. Go out there, misery around you, face a starving person in real life and tell me you are not grateful for that dinner you are going to eat tonight.

Thank you for reading.




Just a ghost, looking for flowers that I had lost.