5 Signs You’re in a Truly Committed Relationship

Mutual Respect

Sara Irshad
3 min readJan 21, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Hi Readers! So, you and your better half — you sense there’s something truly special brewing there. But how do you know if it’s not just a fleeting spark, but a bona fide flame of commitment?

Listen up, because after more than a decade in the marital trenches, I’ve got the lowdown on what makes a relationship genuinely committed.

When you stumble upon that rare someone who checks all these boxes, you won’t just know it in your head; you’ll feel it in your gut.

Trust me — these signs are the compass to navigate your love boat through any storm.

#1: You’re Each Other’s Biggest Cheerleaders

A committed partner isn’t just there for the good times; they’re your personal cheer squad through thick and thin.

Your victories are theirs, and they’ll back you up in chasing those dreams, no questions asked.

For instance, when my big break in writing came, my hubby morphed into the ultimate carpool king, holding down the fort so I could meet my deadlines. And when he kicked off his coaching venture, I became his go-to sounding board and the loudest cheer in the stands.

In a committed relationship, your partner isn’t just a passenger on your journey; they’re in the driver’s seat, navigating with you through every twist and turn.

#2: You’re Family, No Matter What

When you’ve got the real deal, you stop thinking in terms of “mine” and “yours.” It’s all “ours” — from the good times to the tough stuff, you’re a united front against whatever life hurls your way.

My other half and I don’t distinguish between “my” family or “his” family. It’s all “our” family, “our” home, “our” future.

It’s like we’ve created a tag team against the world, and it makes the bond unbreakable.

#3: You Can Be Your Weirdest, Truest Selves

True commitment means being with someone who loves you in your softest sweatpants, messiest hair, and makeup-free glory.

It’s about feeling at home being your quirkiest, most authentic self.

Take me, for example.

I have a few… let’s call them “unique” habits, like clipping my nails at odd times. My husband just laughs, plants a kiss, and joins in.

Now, that’s the kind of acceptance that shouts commitment from the rooftops!

#4: You Share the Raw, Unfiltered You

In committed relationships, there’s no need to put on a facade.

You can lay bare your raw emotions, deepest fears, and wild aspirations. It’s about embracing the good, the bad, and the downright messy.

Not long ago, I spilled my guts about my fear of skydiving but the desire to conquer it.

Sharing that vulnerability brought us even closer.

I knew he had my back, respecting my fears while still being my biggest fan.

#5: You Handle Conflicts Like Pros

Sure, every couple has their disagreements — it’s par for the course. But in a truly committed relationship, it’s not about avoiding conflicts; it’s about navigating them with maturity and respect.

My husband and I live by three golden rules: don’t go to bed angry, no name-calling, and fess up when you’re wrong.

These rules have been our compass through rough seas, helping us weather the storms and emerge stronger.

The Grand Shared Adventure

When you’re with someone who sees you, supports you, and makes you feel utterly at home, you’ve found a keeper.

This is the co-pilot you want for the wild adventure of a lifetime.

These signs aren’t about grand gestures but the everyday actions that scream, “I’m in this for the long haul.”

It’s the small moments that build a bond that can stand the test of time.

So, here’s to us — to the joy, the intimacy, and the comforting predictability of “til death do us part” with our partners-in-crime.

Let’s savor the journey and enjoy the ride, wherever it may take us!

Cheers to a lifetime of love, laughter, and unwavering commitment!



Sara Irshad

Writer and content creator, passionate about crafting engaging stories. Helping others succeed in their writing journey with practical advice and creativity.