5 SIMPLE habits that will make you a MILLIONAIRE

Mariam Torosyan
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2024
Photo by Pixabay

In this article, I’m going to share 5 simple habits with you that will make you a millionaire. Although these habits are even simpler than you may think I am sure that less than 0.01 % of you follow them every single day. But I make sure if you do, you’re going to be rich. So let’s get started.

Habit 1_Laying out your clothes the night before.

Photo by Настасия

What I said is shocking and simple, isn’t it? But if it is are you doing it? Likely you’re not. The reason why this habit is so useful is because when you wake up in the morning you don’t spend time thinking about what you should wear. I always lay two types of clothes the night before

  • Gym clothes
  • Normal clothes

It is my daily habit to work out in the morning. When I wake up it’s just sometimes cold and I’m not that excited to get out of bed put my gym clothes next to my bed reminds me of a workout and they push me to train. So wearing my gym clothes is my first commitment to working out and also it is a micro_promise to myself to train. When I finish working out I wear my normal clothes which I have already laid. I cannot explain with words how important the morning is for you and if you don’t start it properly you may wreck your whole day.

You are probably no Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs. They wear the same clothes again and again so that way it eliminates the decision of what to wear the day. I don’t encourage you to have the same philosophy but wear as simple as you can. So please lay your clothes the day before.

Habit 2_ Plan your day the night before.

Photo by Ivan Samkov

I always have to-do lists. When I finish with my work I take a piece of paper and write my tasks for the next day. Here is what my to-do list looks like.

……………To_Do list ……………

  • Non_negotiable tasks
  1. Running for 1h.
  2. Content writing 3h.
  • Nice to Have tasks
  1. Have dinner with family
  2. Read 50 pages of a book
  3. Spend 30 minutes in nature

The point is if I complete the non-negotiable tasks the entire day is a success for me. Dedicate to your non-negotiable tasks 100%. You may schedule your tasks hour by hour. Doesn’t matter if you write it on paper or in your phone’s tasks please write it

Habit 3_Planning your workout the night before

Photo by William Choquette

Plan your workout the night before. These all kind of tie into the fact that your brain is going to be stimulated and it’s going to start thinking that you need to take some actions tomorrow and it is going to start working in the background. When you go to the gym you need willpower to work out and these habits are all about willpower.

Habit 4_turning your phone on airplane mode

Photo by Jason Toevs

This has had a massive impact on my life. Turning your phone on airplane mode means that you respect your time. When you are in a line of work don’t let the world affect you, you affect the world. For ex. turn it on when you workout and let the time of your workout be your peaceful time. This habit is all about protecting your time and making sure that you are your priority.

Habit 5_Drink 1 litre of water in the morning

Photo by Arnie Watkins

This may be the simplest habit to make you a millionaire. But anyway, take it seriously. Put 1 litre of water next to your bed or in a place close to your attention and never procrastinate it. Try to squeeze lemon or put some salt in it because when you sleep you sweat a lot and lose salt. Doesn’t matter if it is cold or warm you always sweat. Most people drink a lot of coffee in the morning but you should drink water first. You need to hydrate first in the morning, because you don’t only need to be rich with finances, but also rich in your health.

All these habits probably seemed so simple to you. But they will change your life in 1 month if you try them every single day. Each period of life demands a certain thing and simple changes take to huge results.

Photo by Skitterphoto

Thanks for reading my article. If you enjoyed it clap👏🏼 me and let me know in the comments.



Mariam Torosyan

💫The more you dream, the further you get✨ An amateur resarcher on the Middle East 🐫🏺⚔️ •content writer•🔏| cuber🗡️|