5 Simple Ways to Create a Powerful Spiritual Routine

No, this is not just for “religious” people.

Amy Hartsough


Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash

Some people might call me “religious”, but they’d be wrong.

I went to seminary — I have a Master’s Degree in Religion, with an emphasis in biblical interpretation, no less. But I didn’t want to be a minister.

The truth is, I’m not really Christian enough for most Christian churches. I don’t agree with everything on their “This We Believe” page.

And that’s okay. I still enjoy a relationship with what many people call “God.” I tend to call Her the Universe, or the Divine, or simply, Love. And I feel supported and connected to the Divine when I engage in regular spiritual practices.

What follows are five of those practices, for your consideration.


The benefits of meditation have been well-documented by organizations like Mayo Clinic and include:

  • stress relief
  • increased self-awareness
  • reducing negative emotions
  • increasing emotions like patience and tolerance

Of course, meditation can also be a form of prayer or spiritual solitude. When I take even five minutes to meditate silently, I…

