5 Simple Ways To Feel Motivated

Five personally tested strategies for staying motivated

Naveen Thangavel
5 min readSep 29, 2023


Photo by Enric Cruz López

How often do you start something new and end up quitting it in the middle?

We might all blame ourselves for being lazy, especially when it feels like everything we’re doing isn’t leading to any progress or success.

I have been working on launching my YouTube channel for over six months. My aim is to develop three videos before posting them on YouTube, to reduce the pressure of constantly needing to post.

What did I achieve in the first five months?

Nothing? Not really.

I finalized the script and recorded, then deleted, 5 to 10 voice-overs.

For one week I am motivated to work, but on the next week, due to some personal commitments, I slow down and feel lazy, not even trying to work on my goals.

This made me feel sick. And I wanted to try something new.

So, I changed my strategy and as a result, I made my first video. I hope this momentum will continue for a long time.

What is that strategy? Read on.

1. Convert Your Daily Goals into Weekly Goals

For more than six months, I wrote down my daily tasks on my whiteboard and crossed them off.

It all worked well initially, but over time, I started feeling overwhelmed.

Initially, I followed daily tasks for 7 days a week, but it slowly decreased to 3 days.

I decided to do something different, so I changed my daily tasks into weekly tasks. For instance, “write one article a day” became “write 3 articles in a week.”

Now my goals are more realistic and less daunting.

Working on your goals on a daily basis is important, but there are times you feel overwhelmed, especially if you have to work a 9-to-6 job.

So, don’t be too hard on yourself if you struggle with consistency; it happens to everyone.

Prepare a weekly check list and try to achieve those goals, if you miss a day, remember that you always have another 6 days to catch up.

2. Weekly Review

Keeping track of your progress is more important than you might think. On my Sundays, I conduct a weekly review session with myself.

It doesn’t even take 10 minutes, but it gives me the energy to accomplish more in the upcoming weeks.

Why is this so important?

Life is a combination of small achievements. When we have big goals to achieve, if it takes a year to complete, you may get stuck in-between and fail.

It takes years to write a novel, or it might take months to lose weight.

Let’s take the example of reducing weight; you are trying to lose 10 kg. While checking your weight during weekly review, if you find that you have reduced 1 kg, this will motivate you to do even better.

Tracking your progress on a weekly basis allows you to celebrate the small achievements you’ve made, which can be motivating and make you feel closer to your end goal.

I love to do this session while walking in the evening. It helps me check off the current week and serves as a great starting point for the upcoming week.

3 Find Inspiration in Others

By reading or watching videos, I get inspired to do more.

What articles do you read?

What kind of videos are you watching daily?

“You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with,” — Jim Rohn.

The content you consume every day is crucial. If you consume more valuable content, you take your first step towards success.

For instance, if you want to become a great writer, you should read books or articles written by great writers.

First of all, choose your top 5 individuals who are related to your goals. By watching their videos or reading their books and articles, you can be inspired to stay in the game.

This habit should be a part of your daily routine, dedicating a minimum of 10 minutes each day to reading the work of your top five people.

4. Daily Walk

If I had to choose one habit that I’d like to maintain forever, it would be walking.

I love walking, and this simple habit has actually changed my perspective.

Every day, I take a 10-minute walk after dinner.

Yes, there are a lot of health benefits, but more than that, it helps me clear my mind and plan for the next day.

In my personal experience, planning your day ahead can make you more productive.

While walking, I reflect on my day, how it went, and what I need to do tomorrow. After this, my mind becomes calmer, and I have a good night’s sleep.

Walking can motivate you and increase your productivity; Aim to walk for a minimum of 10 minutes.

5. Take One Day Break

Taking frequent breaks during the day can help boost productivity, but I’m not going to talk about that here.

When you’re doing the same tasks in the same place, some days can feel daunting.

You might have thoughts of quitting and a desire to binge-watch the latest series.

In self-help, people often emphasize consistency, but in my opinion, taking a break is equally important.

On Sundays, after completing my usual morning routine, I don’t work until the evening.

In the evening, I conduct my weekly review, and if I got bored, then and only, I’ll try to do something productive.

Taking one day off has helped me accomplish more during my other six days.

While many of us talk about short breaks, taking a long break can disconnect you from work and technology, allowing your brain to refresh.

If possible, consider taking a short vacation, or visiting new places. Trust me, you’ll feel more relaxed and energized.


To summarize, motivation is not a rare commodity that you have to wait for. Simple things can be motivating, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to it.

You have your own time constraints, so some strategies will work for you and some will not.

Try to adapt the above-mentioned strategies, and if they do not work for you, consider trying a different approach. Remember, our aim is to achieve our goals, not to find the perfect motivation strategy.

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Naveen Thangavel

Business Analyst | Trader | YouTuber: Writing about self-help, psychology, meditation, and financial freedom.