5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Today

Using items found in your home

Michele Thill


Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

It’s time for us to take control.

All of us have been living in uncertain times now for a year. Many of us have been living in uncertain times even longer. I am on a mission to bring certainty back, and one way to do this is to step into our inner power. With all that we can’t control out there it’s time for us to focus on what we can control — ‘ourselves’.

I’m not saying to live in a bubble and not see what is going on outside — but to focus on the inside. Not to get caught up in all that we can’t control, like what social media and TV have to share with us. It runs on the negative; it brings fear in. It stops us, and we need to move forward.

For those of us that are old enough to remember, TV shows were called programs (maybe they still are). And it’s all about programming us — if you step back and go deeper. Through all that we view, those ‘programs’ showed us how we should live our lives — or not live our lives…

…Giving us hints at what society expects from us.

Why not focus on what YOU expect from you. And in a loving manner — as beating ourselves up helps no one.

How are things going for you? If you don’t like your answer, then YOU have the power within…



Michele Thill

Through self-awareness, I help women tap into their inner power. Let’s make the 2nd half of your life the best half! https://www.facebook.com/NewlandWellness/