5 Steps to a 7 Tips Empire

And playing basketball at 3 am in my underwear

Jeff the Content Profit Coach


Photo by Todd Greene on Unsplash

Since we’ve been talking about numbers this week, and since there’s
2 numbers in today’s title, here’s a story about the number 5.

5 was my jersey number for our Junior High Church Basketball team
in Orlando. Here’s how good we weren’t: I was the captain and the

For those of you who don’t know, I’m 5–10 on a good day.

And it’s funny, whenever I meet someone from the online world in
person at an event, here’s what is said in the first few moments:

Person: “Ya know, I thought you’d be taller.”

Me: “Yeah, so did I!”

While our team was not that good, I decided to get good at 2 things:
jump shots and foul shots.

In fact, one morning at breakfast my Dad told me he’d gotten up
around 3 am cuz he heard something in the driveway. Discovered
me in my “tightie-whities” playing basketball:

Me: “Yeah right, you’re making this up!”

Dad: “I went out there and found you. Asked you what you were
doing and you said ‘
Coach said we had to practice foul shots.’”

”You were making every one of them, and then when one shot
went in you let the ball roll away into the yard and went back
to bed.”

Me: “I still think you’re making this up!” (He had a rep for this…)

Dad: “Go check your sheets.”

Sure enough, my sheets were wet and there was grass and grass
stains in my bed.

You don’t have to be great



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

Create online content & covert it into profitable digital products with my exclusive Content Profit System => https://JeffHerring.com No Experience Necessary