5 Things Confident People Don’t Do

Dropping a few tiny habits can supercharge how you feel about yourself.

Kyle Chastain


Do you want to feel more confident at work or in social interactions?

Have you ever wanted to say something but feared no one would take you seriously?

Have you missed opportunities because you lacked the confidence to take a chance?

Life is a confidence game, whether you like it or not. Why do I say that? Because it takes self-confidence to assert yourself in the world. If you never ask for what you want or express your opinion, life will pass over you. You’ll wonder why other people around you seem to always get what they want. The worst part is you’ll feel jealous of people who speak up and say what’s on their minds while you sit quietly and hope someone meets your needs without you having to ask.

Self-confidence is a mental game as much as anything–it’s the way you see yourself and your worth. At the same time, your physiology impacts your mindset and can impact your confidence.

Here are five things confident people don’t do.

Confident people don’t talk at 191 words per minute



Kyle Chastain

On a mission to become a better writer and storyteller | Building my "Insight" newsletter to 10k+ | Create the life you want: https://chastain.substack.com/