5 Things Every SEO Strategy Needs

The most useful things you need to do in SEO

Arsalan Haroon
7 min readSep 24, 2021


If you are doing SEO, you have so many things to do and, you might feel overwhelmed about what is the most important and useful stuff your SEO strategy needs to do.

In this article, we discuss the five most useful things which every SEO strategy needs to do. Whether you are B2B or B2C if you have a product or a service. You should include them in your SEO strategy.

Most people don’t know what they are going to do in their SEO strategy. That’s why they don't get any higher ranking in Google Because they don’t have any idea what they are going to do next in SEO.

They just put in some keywords and build some links. But they don’t have a proper plan about what their SEO strategy needs and what they should do in their SEO to increase their ranking and traffic on Google.

After reading this article, you will know what your SEO strategy needs to do to increase ranking and traffic.

If you know what your SEO strategy needs to succeed, you will be way ahead of your competitors because many people do SEO. But most people don’t know what their SEO strategy needs and, what are the crucial things to do in SEO to increase traffic. If you understand this, you have a better chance of getting ahead of your competitors.

SEO strategy is the process of developing a strategy for SEO to increase audience and sales through SEO.

Every online business has its SEO strategy. Knowing what your SEO strategy needs to succeed is crucial.

So let’s learn the Five things which every SEO strategy needs to succeed.


1. Precise Goals

Most people do SEO, but they don’t know why they are doing it. They don’t have a clear goal about what they want to achieve with SEO.

So before doing anything in SEO, you should consider asking yourself what goals you want to achieve with SEO. Do you want traffic to your blog? Do you want to increase your sales on e-commerce?

You have to know what you want to achieve with SEO because it can help you understand why you are doing SEO.

Most people quit doing SEO Because they don’t know why they are doing it. So if you want to keep doing SEO and succeeding in it, You first need to know what you want to achieve with SEO.

Write down on paper goals that you want to achieve with SEO. Harvard Business Study found that the 3% of graduates from their MBA who had their goals written down ended up earning ten times as much as the other 97% put together, just ten years after graduation.

That’s why it’s crucial to write your goals down. So your mind has a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with seo before you start doing it.

2. An Understanding of the Audience

Knowing your audience is crucial because not everyone in the world will become your customer.

So you have to know what traits your target audience will have and what they like and dislike. So you can provide them what they like.

If you study your target audience's common traits, it will help you in SEO because you will understand what steps you need to take to gain your audience’s trust.

If people trust you, they are more likely will promote your business. Which also can increase ranking and traffic on Google. It can only happen If you understand your audience and their common traits.

You need to ask yourself about your audience. It can enhance your knowledge about your audience. The more you know about your audience, the better.

You can also create a persona about your target audience and examine their common traits and ages, likes, and dislikes.

It can give you an understanding of the audience and, if you know your audience well, you can provide them a better user experience.

3. Analyze Google first page

If you have a target keyword, then type that keyword into Google search and see the top search results on Google.

For example, if I type “social media marketing strategy”. It can give me all the results like the complete guide to social media marketing strategy or 10 social media marketing strategies.

social media marketing strategies
The screenshot is taken by the author

It tells me that this keyword is ranking both types of titles like the complete guide and number titles.

So if I write a blog post and target this keyword, I can put my title with the same style that is ranking on Google.

You can click on top results that are ranking on Google. Find their other keywords where they also ranked on Google. So you can also target more keywords for your website to rank for.

You can use keywords everywhere to find websites ranking keywords that can give you more keywords to target.

You have to analyze the Google first-page content and, what they are writing, what they are providing to the audience.

So You can have a better understanding of what is already out there. So you don’t give the same quality to the audience.

4. Create Something better or Innovative

7.5 million blog posts are published every day.

There is more content than ever before on the internet. But if you want to succeed, you have to stand out from the crowd.

But how can you stand out from the crowd? By creating content that is innovative and better.

It is a simple thing to do to get your content rank on Google. But it’s hard in practice to create better and innovative content.

Anything that you provide if you want to succeed. You have to create something better than anyone else or innovate new in the market.


If you are creating content that is already available on the internet. Then You have to know what you can do to provide more value in your content than anybody else?

You have to create content better than previously available on the internet. Which can increase your Google ranking because you are providing more value to your audience than other websites.

Google wants a website on top pages that give more valuable content to the audience.


If you create content or something, which is not available in the market before, then surely you can succeed on your way.

But before you create something innovative, you have to know if creating something new will solve your audience’s problem or not.

If it is not doing anything for the people, then there is no chance that this innovative content or anything innovative will help you succeed.

If it’s not helpful for the audience, then why will they buy it?

You have to find the problem and see if you can create innovative products or content which effectively solves that audience problem.

5. Build Links to Your Page

Backlinks are the process of getting links from other websites to your website. Backlinks are one of the most important Google ranking factors that can rank your website top in search results.

Most people either don’t build backlinks, or they do only backlinks. You have to understand that on-page SEO is also crucial. But that’s not the only thing that gives you ranking on Google.

Backlinks play a major role in ranking your website on Google. If you do both of them, you have a better chance of ranking on Google than someone who only does backlinks or they only do on-page SEO.

More than 66% of pages have zero backlinks pointing to them, and Top results on Google’s first SERP have 3.8 times more backlinks than those below them.

Why websites don't build backlinks even though it can give them a higher ranking on Google? Because that’s not an easy thing to do, like doing on-page SEO.

Although some areas of SEO are easy to do, Some are hard and require more time to get great results like backlinks.

Backlinks also provide a great return on your time if you are willing to work and serious about ranking on Google.

So what are the things you need to know before doing backlinks? Make sure you get links from websites that are related to your industry.

For example, If your website is about fitness and you get backlinks from a tech website. Then it doesn’t make sense why they give you links because you both are not related to each other.

So always get links from a website that is related to your industry because Google trusts them.

Studies show that the Quality of backlinks is more important than the number of backlinks for your ranking on Google.

If you get one backlink from a high domain authority website. It can increase your domain authority and rank on Google.

If you have ten backlinks from a website that doesn’t have any domain authority. It doesn’t provide the same value to your website as a high domain authority website provides.

Although the medium and small-sized website is a great way to get value and build backlinks. But your main focus is always to target high domain authority websites for backlinks.

Learn More about backlinks:


These are things that most people forget to do in their SEO strategy. Although, they know it is important for their ranking on Google. Some people still don’t do it because they are too lazy to work on these things.

They only do things in SEO which is easy to do. So they only got normal rewards for that easy effort.

If they do hard work without seeing any results in the short term and practice their SEO strategy. They can increase traffic and ranking on Google.

Make sure you do these things in your SEO strategy and work on it. No matter how much work it takes. It can give you an amazing return on your SEO efforts.


