Image by Author Aashi Sethiya

5 Things Humans Have Got All Wrong

Aashi Sethiya
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2020


Do we crave for homeostasis, for everything to be right around us or is there some alternate theory?

We have always imagined ourselves having a balanced future and want our present to be equally stable. What we actually want is Noodynamics. We want to strive and struggle for a worthwhile goal.

Let me ask you 3 questions

  1. Do you often get frustrated when something doesn’t make sense?
  2. Do you go through a daily/weekly breakdown?
  3. Have you labelled yourself?

If your answer is YES to all these questions, scroll further.

5. We Run Behind The Tangible

“Not all the progress can be measured. Not all the measures can lead to progress”- A.S

Tangibility has become the ultimate truth for Gen Z. We are always in the look for our share of likes, gifts, promotions, certifications. We have made ourselves so used to the want for all this, that even a day without it makes us contemplate our decisions.

Humans have become slaves to these irrational wants, so much so that we are now irrationally doing things and omitting the others.

Haven’t you posted that last picture for likes, or haven’t you done that stupid course for improving your CV.

Well, I agree we live in a tangible society. But aren’t we supposed to redefine things while we are here.

How can we tap on the intangible and let it help us achieve the tangible ?

  • Start a habit and build a new one everyday. These small atomic changes will have a cumulative effect later.
  • Try to build your own work ethic, rules, principles that you strongly abide to. It could be stolen from someone else, but you need to add your own personal glam on it. It has to reflect you.
  • Bring on your human side. We are losing it. I agree. I too had lost it. I believed I had to function like a robot to achieve something in life. I had been conditioned to that. But it isn’t the reality(apart from preparing for cracking competitive exams, you don’t need to be a robot elsewhere).

4. Mirroring people/situation

“We give people the taste of their own medicine, but are we all Doctors?”

Mirroring a.k.a impulsive reaction formation is a straight away normal for us.

As humans, we tend to follow our animal instincts when we receive backlash or indifference from a fellow being.

We create our reactions similar to what we have been subjected to.

I laugh out at all the times I behaved a total a** just because that person behaved in a similar way.

We put ourselves through the emotional turmoil, anger and hate so that we can mirror the same thing back.

Is it a rational choice? Hell no!

Instead, I tried to do this:

  • Observe, analyse, react
  • UNDERSTAND where the person is coming from, how was their upbringing.
  • Always, I repeat always make yourself believe that you are the Bigger person there. You have the ability to change the course of conversation, emotions, situation.

3. Believing that everything in the World will make sense

“Beauty of life is not in the known but in the Mystery”- Fred W

If you have made it this far in the blog, you are quite an enduring human.

You might have found some meaning in this article until now, but our life doesn’t let us manoeuvre that easily.

Quantum Physics is the answer to the things that don’t make sense.

Science is still not able to unravel so many answers, how do you expect everything to make sense?

Although, let me spill answers to some questions.

  1. Why do you and your friend strongly miss each other and recall a similar situation at the same time, without interacting?

A) Theory of entanglement, explains how subatomic particles stay together and behaves in the same way even when they are separated miles apart.

2. Why do we continue suffering/feeling sad?

A) Neural network rewiring increases the strength of out pain/suffering if we keep on feeding it with the same thoughts/instances.

If these two answers didn’t make much sense to you, wait for my future blogs.

2. Blind Paradigm Following

The Movie- What the Bleep do we know?

“Much of what we take granted in the world, may not be true. We are locked in these presumptions”

I say, that we could start small in breaking the trend of following unreasonable set of rules.

For instance, why are woman still ashamed of hanging their “Undergarments in open air?” or why are men not allowed to be able to feel low and sad.

Such pre set paradigms are a part of the barriers we create.

Keeping aside the societal norms, we too are blinded by the pre set notions and labels.

Recollect last time you said no to that public speaking event, or talking to that cute guy at the bar? We keep telling ourselves that this isn’t our forte, our skill. But in reality we have all of it concentrated inside us.


Reality is a possibility of our consciousness.

1. Super Attraction to Carrots and Sticks

Simon Sinek, in his book Start with a Why talks in great depths. How manipulations are keeping the human race on its toes and also collapsing it at the same time.

Carrots and sticks a.k.a manipulations =

  1. Price
  2. Fear
  3. Aspiration
  4. Promotion

These manipulations create a sense of fear, excitement, rush and the need to take instinctive decisions.

They make us weak, less human and less authentic.

It grabs you by your weakest link and keeps manipulating you.

Aren’t we all attracted by that discount, or the Pizza at you favourite Store. It’s all seems like a simple manipulative marketing wiz.

But, if you dig deeper, you will realise that it has become a huge part of your life.

You have been manipulated for all your decisions through carrots and sticks.

Do you think, you can break through it?

The golden circle can answer our lives major questions.

Image Sourced from Book Start With Why

Hoping you made it till the end.

If you did, give me a virtual high five.

The author is a Physiotherapy Intern, who believes in living the philosophy she weaves and speaks.

