5 Things You Should Know Before Self-Publishing A Novel

A Self-Published Author’s Insight To Prepare For Publishing

Cam Roze
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2024


Hello and we are going to be diving into another piece of the writing craft, in this post though, we are focusing on the stages approaching publishing and how we can provide extra OOMPH for our soon-to-be-published work! Woohoo, you hit the final draft and you’re certain it is ready for upload to your distribution platforms. However, there are five things I would recommend doing before hitting that magic publish button for your first time!

First Thing You Should Know

When you are looking at uploading your book, look at your cover, make 3 options and ask your friends which one pops the most. If you have an obvious winner, I suggest using THAT one. The reason I suggest variance in the covers this early, is because you want to know its something that will draw attention to your book. It sometimes can be all about our cover. So, be sure its the one you want on your book. Changing a cover can be done, but i find it to confuse audiences. So pick one of the varieties you made and stick with it.

Second Thing You Should Know

Kindle Direct Publishing may be the one place you know will sell books, but I would encourage you to…

