5 Tips to Help You Sleep Like a Toddler

Follow these and you’ll thank yourself later

Jay Chatwani
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


Photo by Taksh on Unsplash

It’s not hard to remember days when we had just the right amount of sleep…

Your mind is clear, there’s a spring in your step and you’re energised to go about your day.

But I only had those days occasionally.

I tried a few things in my schedule and some of the things that work very well are surprisingly easy to follow.

  1. Broken Clock.

We have an Internal Body clock that keeps track of day and night and makes changes in your body accordingly.

It’s called the Circadian Rhythm

But being indoors all day hampers the ability of your body to keep track of day and night.

Lesson: Going out in the sun for as little as 30 minutes during the day will help you maintain your circadian rhythm by allowing it to differentiate between day and night and produce hormones that aid your sleep at the right time.

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

2. No Catching Up

There will be days where you haven’t had enough sleep and we try to recover the sleep lost by sleeping on during weekends.

It feels right to do so but it’s coming at the cost of your sleep schedule getting hampered.

Lesson: Even if you’re sleep-deprived, making up for the sleep lost at the cost of altering your sleep schedule will not be worth it as it’ll make it harder for you to sleep that night, altering the schedule.

It’ll have negative effects on the mood, focus, and overall health.

3. Warm and Cozy.

Having Warm shower before sleep decreases your sleep latency.

This means the time between going to bed and actually falling asleep will decrease.

Plus it’ll help you wind down and relax.

A lot of people having sleep latency problems can benefit from warm showers before bedtime

4. Too Cold to be true.

It may sound contradictive but after taking a warm shower, a cold environment will really help you

Some research suggests setting your room temperature as low as 19 degrees can help have uninterrupted sleep.

Photo by Claudia Mañas on Unsplash

5. Sleep is coming

At last, the best thing you can do is to Regulate your sleep schedule itself.

  • Stop all the activities at least 30 minutes before bedtime
  • Avoid strenuous exercise after 7 pm
  • It’s better to use any Blue light filter on your devices

Following this will surely help you get enough sleep and it’ll most definitely reduce instances where you wake up feeling grumpy..

Have a Nice Day

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