5 Toxic Food Additives The FDA Allows

Although banned in other countries, these chemicals are widely used and consumed in America.

Grace Leverich


Froot loops contain Red 40, a cancer-causing artifical colorant.
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

1. Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO)

Why it’s used — Acting as an emulsifier, it prevents flavor separation in sports drinks and sodas such as Mountain Dew, Powerade, Fanta and some pre-mixed cocktails.

Why it’s harmful — BVO causes harm to the nervous system by competing with iodine for receptor cites in the body, becoming an endocrine disruptor. This results in memory loss, acne, accumulation of fatty tissue in the body, fatigue, reproductive issues and an increased risk of cancer. BVO is banned in over 100 countries, but still widely used across America.

Alternative — Look for all natural sodas or sodas with the safer alternate ingredient, sucrose acetate isobutyrate (SAIB).


2. Potassium Bromate / Bromate

Why it’s used — Acting as an oxidizer, it makes bread rise higher quicker and optimizes it’s handling properties by enhancing elasticity. In other words, it makes the job of baking bread easier by shortening the amount of time and workload needed.



Grace Leverich

I write about self improvement, social injustices, physical/mental health and anything that inspires me.