5 Life Changing Advice From My Bosses

5. Help others and you will be helping yourself

Felix Otoo


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Life will take you through what is called education. You will go through this education in different settings and time-spaces. Each of them when taken more keenly will shape and mould you into better versions of yourself — physically, mentally, spiritually, psychologically, and so on.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to serve and function under brilliant individuals you can call my superiors, my bosses, managers, etc. People whose primary role was to supervise and steer my path using their experience, insight, and expertise, which far outstretched mine in whatever setting that was then.

I share some of the transformative advice I received from some of these individuals, which over the years have proven invaluable. Some of this advice is excellent advice for your work-life, whereas others are general life advice.

1. Appreciate silence

Everybody needs to master the habit of silence. Everyone needs to learn to appreciate silence. In a meeting room, on a call with a friend, colleague, or business partner, do not always deem those moments of silence as awkward.

Silence doesn’t always need to mean “I don’t know” or “I don’t have any idea”.

