5 Unconventional Life Lessons You Learn from Working Out

Learn these now and skip decades of Guess Work

Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach
4 min readApr 22, 2023


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

As you might be able to tell by reading through our previous articles, we are HUGE advocates for working out. There are so many physical and mental benefits that it wouldn’t make sense NOT to work out. You have an improved cardiovascular system, look good, etc., not counting the mental benefits of working out such as boosted self-esteem, increased confidence, and even improved mental cognition.

Anyone who’s been working out for an extended period can testify to the benefits of working out. With that being said, getting in good physical shape is a learning curve, and there are several lessons you will learn as you achieve your health goals. Highlighted in this article, are Five (5) Unconventional Life Lessons you will learn in your quest to get in shape:

It Never gets EASIER, you only get STRONGER

Let’s paint the scenario;

You go to the gym consistently, and this week, you can only lift 45 lbs on an exercise. Every single week you try your hardest until you are now able to lift up to 70 lbs on that exercise. Gradually over time, you can do more and more weight. When you eventually go back to pick up the 45 lbs, all of a sudden the weight that used to be so heavy a couple of weeks ago is now so much lighter. But it’s still the same 45 lb weight.

The weight didn’t change, YOU did.

You changed until you were strong enough that a previous challenge now feels like a walk in the park to you. It is important to remember that in life, every challenge you face is only preparing you to face an even greater one. By facing challenges, you build character and grow with each challenge conquered, until you eventually become the person you were always supposed to be.

Nothing Good Comes Easy

To get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done — Denzel Washington

Our ability to forgo the pleasures of life now for what we want most later in life is the ultimate determinant of how much success we will achieve in our lives.

What are you willing to do to get that six-pack? What are you willing to sacrifice to get better grades? How much effort are you willing to put in to get what you want from life?

To Become Better, You MUST Face Challenges

As highlighted in our first point, to grow you must face challenges to grow. In the gym, to get bigger or leaner, you must gradually increase the difficulty of your workout sessions. This same rule applies in every single area of our life.

To grow as individuals and become the people we were destined to become, we must gradually increase the difficulty of our goals. Every single challenge you face will require a new version of yourself to emerge. A more dedicated one. A more disciplined one. A wiser one.

Treat every challenge you face as a new learning experience. Approach every new challenge you face in your life in this manner and become an unrecognizable person in no time.

Willpower and simply wanting something badly is not Enough

It’s not enough to manifest a dream body. It’s not enough to want abs. You must actively and consciously, daily decide the outcome of your life and proceed to adopt the habits that will get you to your result.

You must have a plan, and follow that plan diligently until your results are accomplished.

When it comes to fitness, most people don’t know what exercises to do, how long they should rest, how to properly structure their workout routines, etc.

And that’s why WE are here.

The 1MXRE (1MORE) brand is your one-stop resource for everything fitness. We are so dedicated to seeing you achieve your dream body, that we are giving away our eBook on how to achieve the body of your dreams for absolutely free when you sign up for our Newsletter!

Patience and Consistency is a Superpower

Everyone has dreams and goals they would like to accomplish, but yet very few achieve their goals. This is because most people cannot simply wait.

If you’ve had any experience in fitness, you would know that your abs won’t become visible after a single ab routine. It takes months, and sometimes even years of training to finally begin to see your desired results. It’s important and imperative that you don’t give up and you don’t lose sight of what’s important.

Successful people are people who did ordinary things for an extraordinary amount of time. — Alex Hormozi

No growth without pain

No success without sacrifice



Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach

Fitness and Health Coach sharing knowledge and personal experiences in health and wellness.