5 Unexpected Reasons Why You Are Always Tired

Liza Blue
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2021


And What To Do About It

Its 10am in the morning and I’m already yawning.

How can I be tired already?

The day is just starting to begin.

If I’m being honest with myself being tired has been my usual state of existence.

And I know I’m not the only one. But that shouldn’t be the case.

I like to think that I do all the usual things that doctors recommend.

  • I get decent sleep around 8 hours (except on those nights where I fall down the YouTube rabbit hole)
  • I exercise a few times per week
  • I eat pretty healthy (excluding the times when I eat junk food at friends parties)

But nevertheless, I could not shake this feeling of being lethargic and drained of all energy.

Yet, after doing some research I found that there are many more reasons that could explain your tiredness that many people seem to overlook.

Waking Up At The Wrong Time

Have you heard of the term ‘sleep phases’?

Well, it turns out that we humans have a natural sleep cycle that has been ingrained in us since the dawn of time. Your circadian rhythm dictates your feelings…



Liza Blue

Articles for lovers of personal growth, finance, and storytelling. YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKtdz8Qhq-DYgTpm30Q0UGA