5 Ways Being Too Nice Hurts You

Being a people-pleaser doesn’t make you more likable.

Kyle Chastain


Do you constantly watch what you say, so that you don’t offend anyone?

Are you always afraid that you’ll unintentionally upset someone?

Does the mere thought of someone disapproving of you make your stomach ache?

Here is how it usually plays out. You want to speak up in a conversation or voice a disagreement, but you’re scared of what others will think of you. You bend over backward to accommodate people and not ruffle any feathers, but they still don’t seem to like you. You’re afraid to ask for what you want, so you do your best to please others and hope they’ll give it to you without your having to ask.

You do these things with the belief that you’re a good person. But things rarely turn out the way you want.

And even though you’re a nice person, on the inside you’re frustrated and you may even struggle with depression.

It’s confusing because you do your very best to be likable. There are plenty of other people who aren’t as nice as you and they get what they want in life.

Being too nice and always trying to please others can hurt you. But how can it be…



Kyle Chastain

On a mission to become a better writer and storyteller | Building my "Insight" newsletter to 10k+ | Create the life you want: https://chastain.substack.com/