5 ways to become FEARless.

How does such a small word occupy such a big space in our lives? And how do we combat it in the most effective ways?

Manu Kiza
5 min readSep 24, 2022


Photo by Zachary DeBottis from Pexel.

What is fear?

False Evidence Appearing Real. Apparently, that is the closest explanation I could find, based on its acronyms. But this definition doesn't bring us any closer to understanding how we must fight it and what it takes to become fearless.

What we may define as fear is a not-so-natural psychologically or spiritually induced emotion. In fact, most of the fear patterns we exhibit may have been inherited from either our ancestors or our surrounding. From the earliest of ages, we are subjected to skeptical mindsets that find roots in our inability to dissociate will from the truth.

Our parents, significant others, school teachers, and even spiritual or religious institutions may even be responsible for adding a subtle layer of uncertainty to our belief systems.

Fortunately, there is a multitude of known and unknown ways by which one may combat or tackle these feelings as they arise. Here are a few tips I have found useful:

1 — Don’t change your habits.

We keep on being told that in order to amount to the version of ourselves that pleases us most, we should aim to change and resent the ways we view and allow certain behaviors, patterns, or truths to take space into our realm. However, this is where a lot of us get stuck. You can’t change a behavior but what you can do instead is to allow that behavior to lead you toward a path of acknowledgment.

While some people may see this as a remedy for destruction, others will see it as a path of deliverance. After having taken a resistant approach toward my fears, I realized that I was getting sucked into a downward spiral that always led me right back to square one if not lower. So instead of choosing to tackle my surface-based fears, I chose to go deeper into them, in order to find the answers needed. It was a rather uncomfortable process but the result left me mesmerized and grateful.

2 — Practice breathing techniques.

Most people overlook this, but if you spend as little as five seconds reflecting on what you couldn’t live without, I am pretty sure that “breathing” would be placed at the top of your list and maybe nudged between your iPhone and money or social media. This is such an essential and peaceful way to assess and relieve yourself from the anxiety and tumult that may come with being fearful of any outcome.

I found this to be my favorite technique to go to when feeling overwhelmed and stressed. There are many different tricks you can utilize, which I will link in my next article, but by far, my favorite one has to be the Breath Visualization Focused Technique. This basically consists of a deep breathing method centered around imagery or affirmations.

3 — Find a mantra.

I feel as though mantras are being stigmatized and devalued by a lack of understanding or even knowledge as to the power they can truly hold. A mantra can be a word, a phrase, or even an image in which we hold true belief and faith. That is the only way it can work for you.

Mantras tend to be misunderstood by those who are looking to benefit from them without looking at the foundational work that needs to be done. In order for it to bring adjustment and elevation into your life, you need to believe in your ability to manifest what you're seeking. The mantra facilitates this by centering your scattered thoughts and ideas and framing them into a more compact formula.

I understood the power of mantras when I was at my lowest and nothing could seem to uplift my spirit. I had put up five post notes on my bathroom mirror, so it was obvious and repeated them out loud every morning as well as every night before and after showering until I felt in alignment with them.

4 — Don’t Procrastinate.

The other dream killer. Along with fear, procrastination knows how to stifle your process and make you weary of uncertainty. We mask laziness otherwise known as procrastination, with being proficient in thinking and planning ahead.

For the longest time, I couldn’t understand the reasons why, while my list of goals seemed to have gotten more ambitious, the time it would take me to accomplish the measliest of tasks would lengthen. We may call it analysis paralysis, but I have come to understand it this way; “I was overthinking the process and making it more complex than it should be in order to find justifications for the difficulty of the accomplishment of the task at hand”.

This may not be true for everyone but if you truly and deeply stopped to think about it for a second and found accuracy in this statement then you may have a much clearer path ahead.

5 — Stop carrying unnecessary loads.

Often times we feel as though we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. This is a false sense of purpose that debilitates us from addressing the core issue of our aches and pain. The world doesn’t need you to carry its weight, what it wants is for you to affirm and stand in your grace by blessing others with your light.

I used to be falsely modest about my accomplishments and give myself way more credit than I deserved. This was not an attempt at patting myself on the back for good deeds rendered but a false assumption of what altruism was. I have always known that my purpose was to help others and strayed away from it by leading myself to believe I didn’t have a story to tell or insightful perspectives to share.

Being so far from my truth somehow helped me shape a meaningful path in which I began using my words and experience combined with my mindset to help many find clarity, and follow their bliss while standing on the edge of their absolute purpose and pushing their own limits.

The world doesn't need you to validate your truth it needs you to trust that when your turn comes you will be most fit to take the required actions.

Hope these tips will help you as much as they have helped me.

Thank you for reading.

I am on a mission to serve and empower as many people as possible until I can’t do so anymore (999,999 + 1 to be exact). I am not a writer, but I am a passionate human being who likes to share his thoughts through writing and speaking forms. Follow me on this journey and let’s enjoy the ride together. Please connect with me if you have any comments or suggestions, as I would be glad to receive any of your feedback.

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Manu Kiza

Contrarian thinker, challenging the way we see the world and finding roots in being an outcast.