5 Ways to Improve a Bad Day

Seizing the day even if it doesn’t start well

Whitney Schwartz
3 min readJun 22, 2022


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and if you are feeling depressed consult with a medical professional. This is what I did to feel better but might not work for you.

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

There are some days when you feel out of it. You feel down and you don’t know how to get out of it. I had a day like this a couple of weeks back and even though I forced myself to get out and socialize thinking it would help, it didn’t.

The next day I was determined not to feel crappy again and I was able to turn my day around. Before I start into what I did to turn my bad day around, I want to preface with if you are feeling more than just down and are feeling depressed to consult with a professional.

Get Outside

The first thing I did in the morning, after making my coffee, or whatever morning beverage you prefer, was go outside. This could be going on a walk around your neighborhood or sitting outside on your patio, which is what I did, but get outside. There is research that shows that spending time outside can help lower stress and increase your mood. Taking the time first thing in the morning will help your day start on the right foot.

Put the Phone Down

I am guilty of it too. As technology advances, people are spending hours every day on their phones, and it’s not good for you. Now I’m not saying cut out phone time altogether but try and spend time away from your phone. When you find yourself doom scrolling on your favorite social media app, put it down and go do something you enjoy.

Just stopping can be hard though, so give yourself a time that you must stop. That will give you a few extra minutes and will give you a deadline to stick to, but when time is up, make sure you put your phone down.

Instead of scrolling through your phone, you can pick up a book, exercise, or work on a hobby that you enjoy. You will feel better if you do, I know I did.

Just Breath

Breathwork is a great way to help improve your mood. Working on your breathwork can also help you feel more centered.

There is box breathing. This is where you breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds and hold again for four seconds. You do this on repeat until you feel your mood improve.

Another option is to practice meditation. I prefer guided meditations because I am still new to the practice and there are several free ones you can find on YouTube. There are countless benefits to meditation which include, reducing negative emotions and helping to manage stress to list a couple, as stated by the Mayo Clinic.

Feeling Grateful

Gratitude can change your life. I know, bold statement, but I believe it. When you practice gratitude daily, this will help your mind to look at the positive things that are happening around you instead of focusing on the negative. When I was having my bad mental health day, practicing gratitude, and realizing how many things in my life I have to be thankful for shifted my mindset and helped me have a better day.

Listen to a Motivational Podcast

I don’t know about you but I am obsessed with podcasts. I will listen to them when doing tasks around the house or when I am going on walks. A motivational podcast for when you are feeling down can work wonders. Having someone in your ear telling you that you can do anything you just need to set your mind to it and take action, will help turn your mindset around.

Having bad days are normal, but there are ways to get out of them. Doing these actions can help shift your mindset and set you up for the rest of the day. These are only a few things that helped me, so I suggest making a list of actions that help uplift your mood so you have them available when you need them.

