5 ways to improve your memory

Amy Sea
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2020



If you told anyone who knows me, that I was writing a piece on memory, you could knock them over with a feather. Unless I write something down(and I do!), the something is released into the ether. I have responded to this memory deficiency with a self-inflicted version of hypergraphia (https://www.medicinenet.com/hypergraphia/definition.htm), which is, layman’s terms, the compulsion to write-but for me, it’s the compulsion to remember through writing everything down.

I’ve struggled my whole life with this flimsy, whimsy, memory. The negative side is the stress that not remembering causes. Not remembering can feel like when a child loses the grip of their mother’s hand in a busy place. The heart races or stops. The chest tightens. There is feverishness to looking around. The world that you had previously been safely tucked into, has deserted you.

My favorite part of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s book, One Hundred Years of Solitude, is when the whole town loses its’ memory. They are forced to label everything, like cow and bar and house. And then they forget what those words mean so they have to label what the thing does, like gives milk, where you drink beer, etc. It gave me an idea. What if I labeled everything?

When my grandfather got old and his eyes could no longer read the small words on machines in his house (the coffee machine, the CD…



Amy Sea

100 X Top Writer, Editor— MuddyUm Editor, Breast Stories Editor-in-Chief — Comedian, Satirist, Humorist, Top Writer. Publisher of Breast Stories.