5 Ways to Reduce Your Digital Demons When You Have to Work Online

Or in other words, how to ignore the noise while you post



I love my job, but sometimes being perpetually online makes me want to hide behind my sofa, too! | 📷 Photo by Karolina Grabowska

It used to take me 30 minutes to write client posts on Twitter (X).

No, it wasn’t coming up with the words that was hard. It was ignoring the noise that hits you like a dump truck the moment you open the app.

See, X’s algorithm knows me well. They know how much I enjoy reading jokes and looking at cute animal posts. And from the moment I open up the app, they know exactly the right tweet/photo combo to pull me in.

Add ADHD to the mix and I’m a slave to the algorithm for the next few hours until I’m a bundle of anxiety from all the toxic rubbish on there and need to prise myself away.

Unfortunately, when you’re a copywriter, being online isn’t an option, it’s an inevitability.

Whether it’s your client work or marketing your own services, those distractions can trigger a spiral of comparison, anxiety, and procrastination. If you work online, you know this feeling all too well.

It’s hard to escape the digital world when your livelihood depends on it. And sometimes being online just doesn’t feel good for your mental health.




Owner of Anna's Digital Studio. Gentle Productivity. Notion Magic. Creative Chaos. annasdigitalstudio.com