5 Ways to Successfully Declutter Your Home

Get closer to a comfortable stress-free home.

Lisa Richards


Image by Bill Kasman on Pixabay

The US Department of Energy has confirmed that 25% of Americans do not have space to park their cars because of cluttered garages. One in four Americans has a problem with clutter. With the busy lifestyles that we lead it’s no surprise that we have clutter.

In Europe, the UK is the worst when it comes to clutter. In the UK clutter stops half of the British people from inviting visitors into their homes.

In Chinese Feng Shui they believe that clutter creates low draining energy. They also believe that clutter can block positive energy.

The feeling of having a well-organized clutter-free home is definitely a good feeling. So what can you do to declutter your space?

1. Take It Step By Step

Rome wasn’t built in a day so don’t expect instant results. One of the best ways to declutter is to do a small amount every day.

By doing too much too quickly it can become overwhelming. If you become overwhelmed it may stop you from having the motivation to declutter in the future. If there is clutter in more than one room you may find it easier to do one room at a time.

