5 YouTube Channels for Lost Young Adults Like Me

These will help you figure things out.

Dr. Jay Chatwani
2 min readFeb 12, 2024


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

For young people, it’s not just about Motivation.

Getting out of the comfort of student life and going out in the real world can be intimidating, and it can shake you into asking yourself some hard questions like…

How do you want to live your life? or What is it that you actually want in life?

Here are some YouTube channels that helped me figure things out …

  1. Better Ideas

I will start with my favorite one here.

Joey is a young lad who happens to have an incredible ability to put his thoughts together and make sense of things.

He’ll answer questions you didn’t know you had in the first place.

It’s almost scary how relatable he can be.

Some of my favorite videos of his are…

  • How Overstimulation is Ruining Your Life
  • The Procrastination cure you don’t want to hear.
  • How to be Miserable for the rest of your life

2. Einzelgänger

Quality videos elucidating philosophies like Stoicism and Taoism, focusing more on how to deal with emotions…

  • The Power of Indifference
  • Taoism (all parts)
  • Miyamoto Musashi — A life of ultimate focus

3. Chris William

In his Podcast “Modern Wisdom”, Chris invites a variety of guests (some pretty controversial) but the topics he chooses can be very insightful.

Here are come conversations that I found helpful.

  • Eric Weinstein
  • Sam Harris
  • Seerut Chawla

I understand he tends to become political but there’s value to be gained from his conversations whether you agree with his political ideology or not.

4. Casually Explained

Life’s questions especially the social ones are explained very .

  • The fear of missing out
  • Moving out
  • The Spectrum of Intelligence

5. Freedom in Thought

Animated videos that break down complex topics like Existentialism and the philosophies of Nietzche and Buddha.

The videos where the creator shares personal thoughts are also pretty good.

  • Lao Tzu — Do nothing and achieve everything
  • Buddha — The thoughts determine your future
  • The Most powerful way to thing-first principles

Feel free to suggest other YouTube channels to add to this list.

I will share curated lists like this one every week, so follow if you’d like to see more stories :-)

