50 Shower Thoughts That Will Make You Ponder Existence

Emily Roy
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2022


Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels
  1. Life isn’t short. It’s the longest thing you’ll ever be a part of.
  2. Out of the eight million species on the planet — humans are the only ones that pay to live on it.
  3. Living people eat dead mushrooms and living mushrooms eat dead people.
  4. Most guys will receive their first bunch of flowers at their funeral.
  5. A telephone makes sound travel faster than the speed of sound.
  6. You’ve probably seen at least one person on their last day alive.
  7. The youngest picture of you is the oldest picture of you.
  8. If you’re planning to procrastinate tomorrow instead of today, you’re procrastinating procrastination.
  9. It’s impossible to ‘save’ a life, you only delay death.
  10. There is a possibility you will end up in the background of somebody’s family photo or video and never know you were in it.
  11. At some point, the internet will be older than all humans alive.
  12. One star in the daytime can blind you, but a thousand stars in the night sky is a beautiful scene.
  13. A person whose birthday is on December 31st can never say their birthday is next year.
  14. As a kid your parents say, “don’t talk…

