6/24 - Friday BTW Struggle Bus

Showing a lack of civility for 9 weeks now!


Photo by Dylan Collette on Unsplash

Don’s Big-Time Writer’s Corner

The struggle is real.

My tomato crop was late getting planted this year, and almost immediately thereafter, our area began the worst drought period in years.

They get watered daily, but it appears we may have casualties anyway.

My dreams of tomato pie and tomato sandwiches are getting dimmer for this year.

I understand there was a time when tomatoes were considered poisonous. In my area of the south US, they are considered a delicacy by most. Almost every household that has a piece of dirt belonging to it has a tomato plant, trying for maximum use of what square of sunshine and patch of ground they might have access to.

Most of us love our tomatoes.

In the spring, roadside stands jump up on the sides of busier streets. They first offer us a parade of fresh tomatoes, first from Mexico, then our gulf area and on northward as the year progresses, thus helping us have access to tomatoes even outside the growing season.

We are serious about that fruit/vegetable.

One of my plants is in the tomato infirmary even as we speak, so I am going back to…



Don Martin, real-life writer, author, journalist.

If I had a dime for every time I didn't know what was going on, I'd be asking, "Where's all this money coming from?" ⭐ https://donmartinstoryteller.substack.com