6 daily routine of South-Indian’s to Wellness & Longevity

this made us immune to most obstacles!

Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2021


Photo by Richard Saunders on Unsplash

Being a typical Indian man was never bothered to take precautions, measures or anything in terms of food, Lifestyle and well being. As I got to do my daily routine regularly.

I started to notice it during my childhood. when I saw my grandma cooking in the kitchen while my grandpa was already out with work. That’s when a quick conversation with my grandma went in

“Grandma, how could you be so active and brisk?”
she replied:
“I enjoy doing it son, this the way we are healthy till this age”

She served masala Dosa topped with love and sat beside me to explain while I was busy eating…..!

The Secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine

6 routines which made them 7x ahead leading to wellness!

1.Early morning wake up & devotion to god

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Waking up early morning to finish up all needs nevertheless to prepare for the whole day is a process that assures clarity of the day.
Embrace the day praising to god will set you a positive mindset leading to the right action.

We can choose to wake up and grumble all day or we can just say “just what is this beautiful day going to bring me?”

2. For Mind, Body & Soul (Yoga & Meditation)
The ancient practice of flexing the body is Yoga.
Proper Control of breathing & Mind is Meditation.
The combination of both sets the soul in the sheer activeness of the day!

Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years

Yoga practice is not about attaining the ability to perform impressive postures, nor is it about being able to sit in meditation for hours and hours; it’s about finding out who you are beneath the bad habits that have built up over time, the chattering mind and the aching body. It’s about being your authentic self. As the saying goes “Start from where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can”.

3. Eating home-grown foods & seasonal fruits
Eating is a basic action for all, but what we eat is one that separates us.
Having home-grown vegetables, fruits that are seasonal is healthy & make us adaptive to nature!

Photo by Cats Coming from Pexels

“Whether a food is homegrown makes a difference. Garden produce creates what we call a ‘positive food environment”

We as south Indian’s prefer vegetable gravy with some spices served in banana leaf. Sounds good? Nah, it tastes good too!

sylwia- Pinterest

Ps: Food served on the banana leaves absorbs the polyphenols which are said to prevent many lifestyle diseases. They are also said to have anti-bacterial properties.

Grandma never allowed me to talk or watch when I eat.
As the saying goes in south India, “ Chewing well while eating will live up to 100 years”

4. No to Drinks, Yes to Beverage!
Summer, autumn, or winter, no matter what the season may be, tea is a constant beverage for many people in India. Sipping a cup of piping hot tea early in the day makes our morning bright and refreshing. Be it black tea, green tea or Indian masala tea.

There are various types of tea that one can choose from, and the best part is that each type of tea comes with plentiful benefits.

Tea is a perfect balance of tasty and healthy besides being one of the easiest beverages to make at home.

There’s no habit of drinking cool or gastric drinks which will easily break down many problems in our life.

Ps: Masala Tea is now preferred one for elders during this covid-19 times in India.
It lowers heart disease risk by reducing insufficient cholesterol levels in their bodies and beeping blood pressure.

5. Have water but from sand & copper!
Ever had water from a clay pot? Yet, if you haven’t had water stored in a clay pot, you are actually missing out on a myriad of health benefits. From its alkaline properties to acting as a natural filter, it has numerous health benefits.

Clay Pot water

Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash

Health Benefits:
1.Prevents heatstroke
2.Boost Metabolism
3.Cooling Properties

Still remember those days, after long tiring play with friends reaches home to get this glass of water. Water just eases down the throat chill & fresh!

Copper Vessel water

Photo by samer daboul from Pexels

According to Ayurveda, drinking copper-enriched water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance body metabolism.
Health Benefits:
1. Helps the digestive system perform better
2. Aids weight loss
3.Regulates the working of the thyroid gland

6. Go Western?, try Indian then..!
Over the last few decades, bowel-related diseases like appendicitis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome have been on the rise especially in the Western due to several reasons including diet & lifestyle.

Photo by Guruprasad

Research on this topic revealed that the seating position for the western toilet was actually against human anatomyReference Article

Indian toilet is not only the oldest forms, but also the most scientifically proven form for human anatomy — Reference Article

oh, btw my grandma doesn’t know about this. Yet she hates to go western though, lol.

The traditional practices of Indian culture are Simple traditions based on scientific reasons. Sure, Fortunate to be one here.

The above practices are just some of the many one’s, yet important life catalyst.

“Life is simple”

Glad that I could share this piece of information with you…..
Ps: Thank you, grandma, for the tasty Dosa & for sharing your lifestyle :)




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