6 Easy Ways You Can Become an Attractive Person

Attractiveness: It’s not as difficult as you think

Leah Njoki



Attractiveness is a drug. If you are vain like yours truly, you probably prioritize dazzling looks, because why not?

We can’t help wanting more of it because it helps us feel better about ourselves and confident about taking over the world.

It’s also why we’re pulled to attractive people like a magnet.

But anyone who has been alive for over three decades knows very well that character speaks louder than chiseled cheekbones or tight abs.

If you ever wonder why you gravitate towards some people and find yourself craving whatever they smoke and wish you could become just like them, then you, my friend, are in luck because this piece will show you precisely what you can do to get there.

Don’t be one of these dudes.

Ever seen one of those Big Brother shows where the actors are filmed but never see themselves?

Sometimes they end up doing some pretty dumb things because they act as if no one is noticing.

Watching them, we wonder, “How can you not see that what you’re doing isn’t very smart?”



Leah Njoki

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