6 Habits of Highly Productive People

Inculcate These Habits In Your Routine

Harsh Shukla
3 min readSep 24, 2023


Image from Unsplash

The best morning routine is the one that works for you.

Whether you are a morning person or prefer hitting the snooze button, having a routine can be the foundation for happier and more productive mornings.

Besides fostering wellness, a healthy daily routine can do wonders for your self-care. You’ll feel more energized and happier before starting your workday.

Getting a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep is the start we all need. Most adults need an average of 7 hours of sleep every night.

A little bit of planning can go a long way in helping you get that much-needed rest. Dim the lights, mute your phone, and take a warm bath to ease yourself into bed, and you’ll wake up much fresher.

Don’t hit the snooze button

Hitting the snooze button can quickly turn five minutes into an hour. Set two alarms three minutes apart.

Set the second alarm for the time you want to wake up.

The rule of two-by-three conditions your mind to get up at a certain time and effectively dissuades you from sleeping in! The next time you want to press snooze, try the rule of two-by-three instead, and see if it makes a difference to your morning.

Start your day with a glass of water

When you wake up, the refreshing aroma of your coffee or tea can be pretty inviting!

However, try starting the day with a simple glass of water.

Apart from helping you avoid dehydration, it is an effective way to enhance your mood, increase cognitive performance, and make your mornings more productive.

Make a daily to-do list

Many people hate the idea of starting work first thing in the morning.

However, use the peaceful early morning time to strategize and put your thoughts on paper, in a Google Doc, or on a visual Kanban Board. Plan out your day instead of going with the flow.

“If you don’t deliberately make your decisions, someone else will do it for you.”

Get the most important thing done first

This is one of the most important tips on the morning routine checklist. It is so simple that you may feel that you already do this.

Many people consider themselves productive if they get a lot of work done in their day. However, that’s not completely true.

Yes, productivity is about getting things done. However, the focus should be on getting the most important things done, not just on any task.

Avoid social media

Stay away from your phone as you wake up. Resist the urge to answer your emails, text messages, or social media notifications.

Mindlessly reading or scrolling through social media feeds may seem like a good way to wake up, but it is a huge dampener on productivity and wastes a lot of time.

Extra Tip : Be Mindful

Practice mindfulness by being intentional about everything you do. Start by being grounded and calm your mind as it flutters from one thing to another.

Thanks for Reading & Do Follow for Such Amazing Tips.



Harsh Shukla

Writer & Developer | Helping you become 1% better everyday ✨