6 Hacks To The Subconscious Mind

Number 6 is my favourite and it takes the least effort. Make the subconscious work for you, without lifting a finger.

4 min readFeb 4, 2022


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

The subconscious mind controls 95% of your reality. It is the real deal. No matter how smart you are, how hard you work, you only get to consciously influence 5% of your reality.

You see, that is why yours truly dedicates most of her time to work on the subconscious. I mean, we do have all the tools to make it easy on ourselves, so why not take a journey of sincere dedication to study and work to shift our subconscious for the better. Once the work is done, magical things could happen in your life. Like really good things that were so hard for you to make happen, for some unknown reason. Now you know, it’s your subconscious playing boss in the background.

It’s time to be best friends with your subconscious. Seriously though, we have the power within us, and because our subconscious is hijacked with limiting beliefs and other stuff, our power is taken away.

Our subconscious is working on our behalf, it’s designed to look after us in mysterious ways, behind the scenes. But it’s so innocent and can soak in any information without judgments. So if this powerful part of us is hijacked, it could be working against us.

It is about the damn time, to step back into your power. Do this work.

So how can you do this, now that your eyes are open and you are aware of this?

Here are few hacks to start doing this, leverage your subconscious and make it work for you.

1 Auto Suggestions

So what is auto suggestion?

“ the hypnotic or subconscious adoption of an idea that one has originated oneself, e.g. through repetition of verbal statements to oneself in order to change behavior”

read the definition below.

The best time to do this is while falling asleep. Ideally, you can repeat positive affirmations to yourself just before you fall asleep.

This is a tiny effortless thing to do, but could bring massive change to your life.

2 Affirmations

These are great to listen to while doing other activities like writing, washing the dishes, or cooking. Whatever is it that you are doing, playing positive affirmations in the background is great to program the subconscious mind. Here is a youtube channel that uploads affirmation videos here. Yes it is my channel and I appreciate your love, support and subscriptions.

3 Do What You Say

Training your brain on a daily basis could be much easier than you think. We can trick and train our brain to work for us. Here is a little exercise from the manifestation babe Kathrin Zenkina. When you are about to do something say it out loud then make sure you do it.

Your brain can only trust the things you did after you said you were gonna do them.

Start small with simple daily tasks, say “ I am going to take a shower right now” and do it. Say “ I am going to write for two hours” then do it. You can not say “I’m gonna make $10K per month” then do nothing about it and be surprised it did not happen. Make a plan with actions and make sure you do it. If you fail it is simply because, your brain did not trust you would because you keep saying stuff you do not do.

With time your brain will pick up this message. And it will start working for you, and things will get better.

You see, it is so important to have integrity with everything that you do. That make things much easier for your brain and subconscious.


I have been doing EFT for so long and it has changed me forever. EFT is simple yet so powerful in processing limiting beliefs that are holding us back from freedom. This is not just a tool to hack your subconscious but also a daily energy hygiene. Think about all the negative thought patterns and fears we have to face everyday, this is how you can stay focused on what you love while releasing the emotions bottled up within you.

5 Hypnosis

This could be a fancy way for some, but investing in a professional hypnotherapist session could be just the perfect start for you. There are so many resources on the internet about this, but I would suggest you listen to your intuition and choose someone you feel great about, that could open you up and deliver even more lovely results.

6 Listen to Subliminals

This is my favourite tool to hack the subconscious with least effort. All you need to do is listen, or just play the audio while doing your thing in life.

Subliminal is (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.

So basically you are listening to a music that has embedded messages underneath it. You can not hear those messages, but your subconscious does!

It’s amazing, here is a resource for some awesome subliminals made by yours truly. I hope you enjoy them and let me know of your success stories, I love hearing them.

I love all the kind people who take the time to read clap and comment on my writings. Thank you so much, every time you do this I do a little happy dance.

