6 Hidden Realities About Leadership

What No One Tells You (But Should) About Being at the Front of the Pack

Wanda Thibodeaux


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Leadership is a funny monkey. Most people know that, for as attractive as being at the top can seem, there are challenges, such as how to ensure you’ve got time to hear others or get over imposter syndrome. We mull over those issues all the time in search of fixes.

But then, when you actually get into it, other, less-talked-about realities of the leadership gig start to hit you in the face, too. If you’re more aware of those additional problems and facts, then you’re more likely to prepare well and really succeed.

1. People aren’t going to take your ideas automatically just because those concepts are amazing.

We tend to have this vision of leadership where, if you’re good at it, then everybody will immediately fall behind you like the Pied Piper. But people all have some degree of risk aversion. And they can get used to thinking and doing in certain ways.

So when you come to them with a neat idea, they’re not necessarily going to jump on your bandwagon right away. You have to work with deliberate, conscious intention to ease whatever fears they have and convince them that the shift is both doable and…



Wanda Thibodeaux

Writer/Owner, Takingdictation.com. Interests: Christianity, business, psychology, self-development, mental health. Podcast Host, Faithful on the Clock.