6 Lies About Money That Will Keep You Captive

Understanding the true nature of money in the world will give you freedom

Hyrum Bradshaw


Money is an integral part of society, no matter what anyone says. It’s the number one cause of conflict and disagreement.

Plenty of people try to ignore their finances and say that money doesn’t impact their happiness. Nowadays, that’s simple untrue — everyone who wants freedom must understand their own finances.

The fact that you’re reading this shows that you care about getting out of economic prison. This prison isn’t literal or physical; it’s a mental trap that keeps people from achieving their full potential.

Henry David Thoreau once said:

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”

Yes, wealth is subjective and depends on each person’s circumstances. However, nobody can do everything they want unless they understand how to master their money.

As I said before, financial prison is really a product of poor mindset about money. Poor mindset comes from believing certain damaging lies about money.

I’ve recognized five major lies that are prevalent across the internet and in society. If you can drop these falsehoods from your life, you’ll be well-set on the path…



Hyrum Bradshaw

Writing, physics, blockchain, tech, politics, learning, and more.